Chapter 19

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Aria's POV

I kept my distance from Jason. I wanted to forget what I said. But it was all true. Thats where I see my self. Others might see it different but I see it like that. I see the world differently then other people. People always called me weird for that. I grabbed my dinner and walked to my room and heard foot steps behind me. It was Athena.

"Leave me alone Athena." I said and turned around.

"Aria you can tell me whats wrong." She said.

"Fine follow me." I said and walked to my room and my room was nice and clean and I set my food down on my dresser.

"Okay. I was contemplating life. And Jason walked in and I was thinking about where I will be in 5 years. I said Hopefully a nice house husband and a kid or two. Then I said Honsetly I see my self dead." I saw her mouth drop. "I prepare for the worst Athena, you know that about me. Thats just how I am. I cant help it." I said.


" I would never." I said taking a bite of my chicken. I walked and sat in my bean bag chair.

"Aria, the facts. Avoiding people... staying in your room. He thinks your depressed most likely." She said.

"No. He can't" I said.

"He most defiantly can." She said. I walked into the bath room and showered. I put on some pajama shorts and a sweater and walked down stairs. I walked up to Jason. I hugged him and I mumbled. "I'm sorry..." I saw Mitch holding his camera vlogging. A tear dripped down my face. "Jason. I... I... I'm sorry." I said.

"It's okay my star." She spoke as I felt a drop of water hit my shirt.

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