Jesse and Emma

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The blood pooled at Jesse's feet once again. The whip met with the side of his face with a sickening crack. He knew what would come next and he couldn't watch... But he had to.

"Jesse, please wake up... Your safe I promise you that much."

Jesse woke with a start. He was in a girl's arms. The girl had a yellow dress on with a flower belt around her waist. Emma.

"Emma," he said quietly, "Mum, dad, Fred... I dreamt of them again."

Emma stroked the boys hair in an attempt to calm him down. "I'm sorry about what happened, but your here now and nothing can hurt you."

Jesse wrapped his arms around her waist-holding his best friend close. Ever since his family died of whatever sickness that they fell to and he was kidnapped only Emma could comfort him.

"Emma dear, can you and Jesse come here a moment," asked her mother politely.

"Yes mother, we will be right there," Emma replied.

They untangled themselves reluctantly and Emma stood up. She offered her hand down to Jesse who took it greatly. As he stood up Emma placed a soft kiss on Jesse's cheek. The friends walked into the kitchen where Emma's mother was busy working away.

"Bill has fallen ill," she started sadly, "and I would like you and Jesse to leave the house for the moment being, alright Emma."

The girls face was colourless and expressionless. Emma nodded and grabbed Jesse's hand, leading him out of the house. The friends walked in silence to the park. A sinking feeling hit Jesse as he remembered how much this family meant to him.

Jesse had just gotten away from him. He caught sight of that beautiful pastel yellow dress, then that cute brown and black hair... Then he caught sight of that gorgeous face of his best friend.

"Emma!" He yelled whilst running towards him.

"Jesse?" The girls eyes were red and puffy. She had tear stains on her face.

Jesse wrapped his arms around her waist in an embrace. Emma returned the favour wrapping her arms around his neck. Tears hit the back of his soiled jacket- but he couldn't care less... He had his best friend back.

"Jesse, I promise I will always be there for you."

Jesse knew she was serious, she always was... And he knew she would take this promise to the grave.

That's why it hurt him to have her sobbing into his chest. That's why he couldn't bare the thought of the boy who had become like a brother to him being sick. His grip on her waist tightened reassuringly as she started sobbing harder.

"Shh, it's all going to be alright... I'll always be there for you."


A few days latter Emma's family sat immobile on the couch and Jesse was leading the girl away from house. The promise still stood and they would always be there for each other.


Jesse stared blank faced at the law officer in front of him. He couldn't say anything but relive what happened the night before.

Jesse and Emma (now 16) were sitting in the inn room they renting with the jobs they had acquired. Emma was now an aspiring tailor and Jesse worked printing newspapers. They had been joking about how they basically lived like a married couple when Emma's mood suddenly turned sour.

"Jesse," she said softly making a subtle move towards him. "I am going back to that house an-and I want you to know... That incase I don't make it back...." She paused for a second. "I love you."

Emma pressed her lips to Jesse's and then ran out the door before he could react.

"Sir, I am sorry for your loss." The police officer said.

But Jesse wasn't paying any attention to the officer... All he could do was mumble miserably, "I didn't get to say I love you back."

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