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It's amazing how sad someone can look when they think they are alone. Ebony had the torturous privilege of seeing her best friend's forlorn expression when she thought no one was looking, or maybe she one people were looking and had just given up. Ebony wasn't sure which scenario scared her more.
It wasn't some huge secret that Nerissa suffered from horrible depression. It also wasn't a well kept secret that she had about seven anxiety attacks a day, some even escalated to full on panic attacks. No one seemed to care though. Everyone kept treating the blonde like they always used to before she "came out of the closet" with all of her mental disorders. More people gave her concerned looks at their rehab center when she announced she was pansexual than when they saw the silvery, thin scars barely visible on her thighs.
The blonde snapped out of her trance to look wearily at her best friend. "Ebony." Her voice sounded tired, defeated. The dark haired vixen knew that voice all to well.
"Come here."
The demon huntress stood from her position of being curled up on her bed to obey her friend's orders. When she walked close enough Ebony pulled the younger girl flush against her and pressed her lips to the top of a blonde, curly head of hair.
"Are you okay," she asked quietly against soft skin. "You know you can always talk to me right?"
Nerissa pulled away just enough to see the punk rocker's face clearly. "I know I can. I still have your permission commander," she teased lightly.
"You always have my permission private. Aren't you glad your huntress title doesn't include Artimis' vows?"
"I'd break them every time for you."
With that their lips connects softly and Ebony realized that there was no feeling that would come close to this amazing.

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