Train Tracks

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Ebony remembered clear as day the first night out of rehab. They had went to a mountain ridge that overlooked train tracks. The vixen wondered if she should be questioning the fact that Nerissa was pulling her along by the hand. The blonde had a cheesy grin on her face, one Ebony wished she had seen more often.

"What are we doing?"

Nerissa's smile widened as she picked up a rock and handed it to Ebony. "Try to make it to the train tracks."

Ebony was skeptic but she decided to throw the rock. If fell just short of the train tracks. Nerissa smiled before bringing the older girl's hand to her mouth and pressing her lips against it.

"Good job fair maiden. I must show you up I'm afraid."

Nerissa grabbed a rock and chucked it. A clang rang out as she hit the tracks. Ebony chuckled and the blonde bowed unceremoniously.

"Thank you! Thank you! I'm here the rest of your life. Or mine. Which ever decides to end first."

Ebony blushed. "Isn't it all week?"

"Normally... But I'm gonna be with you until the day one of us die. Maethorn forever."

Ebony snorted. "You heard Ade and Noah talking too?"

"Thin walls." Nerissa walked up to Ebony and put a hand on her friends face. "I think I ship Maethorn too."

She reached up and put her lips on Ebony's.

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