What True Heroes Are Made of

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Nerissa knew deep down she couldn't keep ignoring her friends. She also knew deep down that a few of them (Jade and Blake) may not be trustworthy... But hell she trusted them anyways. And so she sat- knees hugged to her chest- in Mrs. H's room. It didn't help that the only person that came to her head was Quincy.

Finally Nerissa let out a low frustrated groan. "Frustrated?" Asked Mrs. H.

Nerissa's heart almost stopped when she realized that she'd show any indication of how she was feeling... But then realized that it was only Mrs. H.

"Maybe a little," she said as an image of her and Quincy hugging slipped into her head. "Get out of my head already," she growled quietly.

"You know you can talk about it," Mrs. H said gently.

Nerissa shook her head, this was getting to be depressing. "I know, but the only person I can really talk to about it is the problem...." She paused and saw out of the corner of her eye something shimmer. "Steve will you kindly stop making me think about Quincy... It's not having your desired effect."

Mrs. H raised her eyebrow. Steve didn't materialize right away... But when he did Mrs. H's eyes grew wide.

"Don't drop the H word yet Nerissa," he started, "have to save that for the 6th, know?"

Steve placed his ghostly hand on Nerissa's thigh. She knew he was trying to get an emotional reaction from her so she just fisheye-stared at him.

"Pervert," she deadpanned.

Steve smile and not so subtly moved his hand a centimeter higher. Nerissa was not impressed... She knew he couldn't do any actual harm to her until the 6th or 7th.

"You are not trying to play chicken with me, Steve. I know your not because you wouldn't be making me think about Quincy if this meant something to you."

Steve's smile became evil. "I am sure you want this to be him right now."

Nerissa rolled her eyes. "I'd rather it be no one actually... And seriously this is getting you no where."

Steve fake pouted and them put his face a few centimeters in front of Nerissa's. "Okay, bye!"

And with that he dissipated. Nerissa sighed as an image of Quincy yet again appeared in her mind.

"Well," Nerissa said sighing, "I am most definitely dead."

"And why is that," a new voice questioned.

Nerissa looked up to find Quincy standing in the doorway. Oh. My. God. This was the last thing Nerissa needed. She stood up and walked over to her best friend.

"Because the good die young," a small smirk appeared on her face, "but I'll be damned if I don't die fighting."

Quincy's eyes filled with some emotion Nerissa couldn't quite pin-point. He gripped her arm lightly. "Let me help you, please... Let me bring you back."

Nerissa turned around so he wouldn't see the tears forming in her eyes. "I'm already too far gone," she said as a silent tear fell down her face. "I've been too far gone for a while now."

Quincy grabbed Nerissa's shoulders and turned her around- making her face him.

"Your only too far gone when your dead and you said it yourself, your not dead until your hearts stopped beating."

Nerissa swallowed. "What's a beating heart feel like? I haven't had one of those for a long time."

Quincy frowned. "I know you have a beating heart, Nerissa. I saw it in that house when you were ready to die for us. I saw it at that rehab place when you would come to me for nightmares. I've seen it everytime you make a difference... You think your not human but in all reality your more human than all of us."

Nerissa fell into Quincy's arms without another word. She cried silently. If anyone else had said those things about her she would have called an automatic BS... But with Quincy she felt safe.

"You know," she started quietly even though she knew Mrs. H could still hear her. "I went there to protect you... But I already leaked that info. I know you think this happening to me is your fault... But that's why I trust you. The only time you'd hurt me is if you meant enough to me to hurt me."

Quincy never replied but squeezed Nerissa harder.


Mrs. H smiled from her desk. This was her third year teaching (if you could call the third year teaching when she was a teachers aide) Nerissa. She had found out that she hates people touching her and that no matter how much she smiles there's only a .1 percent chance that it's not forced.

She had learnt that determination was the girl's middle name. She had learnt that Nerissa was a mastermind who played down every one of her qualities. She was humble, good, and well spoken. She had advanced writing skills and was always at war with her demons (metaphorically and otherwise). She knew that Nerissa was a hero.

Mrs. H knew Nerissa was a hero because of the description she had written herself for an language arts paper:

When everything came crashing down, when everyone wasn't on your side, when your heart seemed empty, and your thoughts seemed hollow, you stood up, and refused to fall down....

Mrs. H knew that that was what true heroes were made of.

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