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wattpad username: alleymcallister

nickname(s)/what people usually call you: alley

why do they call you that? bc that is my actual name

writing or designing, choose one? designing definitely

how long have you been designing? idek man like 2 yrs or something?? i can't remember at all Imao

why do you design? because its a wonderful way to express myself <3 ((actually just the hot models))

what is your oldest graphic that you can find? oh god ((uploaded two years ago omg))

what is your best or most recent graphic? honestly can't choose between these two agh

what is the one font you can't live without? arial black tbh

who are you most acquainted with on wattpad? probably cara (depthsy) or lainy (fortify_)

if you could meet person on wattpad in real life, who would it be? i would say weeknder or smthing but honestly i'd have to say cara bc bae<33

if you could improve on one thing about your graphics, what would it be? okay so like i do this thing where when i find one texture i really like i use it in everything & it needs to stop bc then all of my things start to look similar and its just no good

what is your favorite food? i dont want to talk about food i like it all (probably that white macaroni pizza & cici's pizza that i haven't had since i was like 6 yrs old)

what is your all-time favorite book/story whether it be on wattpad or published? north of beautiful by justina chen bc that book was everything & really made me so emotional for like a year and a half

if you were an animal or inanimate object, what would it be? a pug

what is the meaning of life? eat everything ((believe you are something & its true or smthing deep like that can you find me a cool quote or something to put here bc #lazy))

is it normal for little brothers to call a stuffed animal and keep telling said stuffed animal it's cute... and talking to it... and sleeping at night with it... and kissing it? i do that too wassup

did you have a childhood stuffed animal or current stuffed animal that you sleep with? if so, what is it's name? i had one when i was a kid & it was a pig named mr. piggy and i still have him aw

when you were a newbie, what could you remember best about it? thinking i was the hottest lmao i was so confident & happy & excited over every new thing i made

If you could get rid of one club in wattpad, which one would it be? fan fiction even tho i write fan fiction that club just seems


why is ice cream delicious? bc ice cream is god's breast milk but frozen & everyone should treasure that

are you planning on joining a gang in the future? definitely i think i could pull off being in like one of the biker gangs bc one time my brother brought me on his motorcycle & his dads friends came along on their motorcycles & they seemed to like me & they were actually very nice and bought me lunch so yes

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