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wattpad username: reborn_

nickname(s)/what people usually call you: alliecat or crystal

why do they call you that? They call me allicat because my name is allison soo yeah. Some people call me crystal because of my old account here on wattpad

writing or designing? designing- I will probably start writing again in the summer

how long have you been designing? uh since the summer/fall of 2013?

why do you design? Because it's fun!

what is your oldest graphic that you can find? (link) omg you guys....

what is your best or most recent graphic? (link) probably this icon,

what is the one font you can't live without? this is a hard question, probably trajan or optimus princeps

who are you most acquainted with on wattpad? @kyokohime - I've known her since day 1 on wattpad

if you could meet one wattpad-er in real life, who would it be? ughhhh I want to meet a lot... but if it has to be one then probably @kyokohime

if you could improve on one thing about your graphics, what would it be? blending or composition

what is your favorite food? sushi

what is your all-time favorite book/story whether it be on wattpad or published? Published - the lost heroes series by rick riordan

if you were an animal or inanimate object, what would it be? (don't say human bc no) a potato

what is the meaning of life? life is being alive

is it normal for little brothers to call a stuffed animal and keep telling said stuffed animal it's cute... and talking to it... and sleeping at night with it... and kissing it?

uh depends on their age, if they are above the age of 3-4ish - very much so. Please take them to the mental hospital pronto

did you have a childhood stuffed animal or current stuffed animal that you sleep with? if so, what is it's name? I had a teddy bear named ducky... it was when i was 3... sooo I have no idea why I named it ducky at all... m̶o̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶n̶.̶.̶.̶

when you were a newbie, what could you remember best about it? i begged a lot... for people to teach me their ways... yeahhh m̶y̶ ̶e̶m̶b̶a̶r̶r̶a̶s̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶p̶a̶s̶t̶

If you could get rid of one club in wattpad, which one would it be?non-fiction maybe? i̶d̶k̶

why is ice cream delicious? because it's sweet and awesome ^_^

are you planning on joining a gang in the future? i ain't about that thug life

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