
24 3 0

username: 8tracks

nickname(s) that people give/call you: Pi, 3.14, Az, Slutty Onion

why do they call you that?
Pi is my wattpad name :P And slutty onion for the purpose of inside jokes

writing or designing (choose one pls)?
Writing :)

how long have you been writing/designing?
I've been writing since grade 6 and I just started designing when I started Wattpad in 2012

why do you write?
I love creating things people would never expect.

what is your first story?
This is embarrassing but it was a bad boy story. Cringe worthy material, I'm telling you. 

what is your best or most recent graphic? http://img.wattpad.com/cover/35342437-256-k838954.jpg

what is the one font you can't live without?
Times New Roman. It's my writing font lol

who are you most acquainted with on wattpad?
TOO MANY PEOPLE. Um, @-flights-, @_s_hoe, @kpgcatlover,  @TheUJelly_, @MissTigress, @Abby9321, @Beautifully-mixed, @WhoElseWouldItBe

if you could meet one wattpad-er in real life, who would it be? @jnovak16 She was my first wattpad author

if you could improve on one thing about your graphics, what would it be?
I should get photoshop for starters lol

what is your favorite food?
cotton candy!

what is your all-time favorite book/story whether it be on wattpad or published?

'The Ex' by @KanyeInterupptedMe and 'The VIP' by @KanyeInterupptedMe

if you were an animal or inanimate object, what would it be? (don't say human bc no)
some form of a demon vixen lol

what is the meaning of life?
we're all gonna die anyways. Circle of life.

is it normal for little brothers to call a stuffed animal and keep telling said stuffed animal it's cute... and talking to it... and sleeping at night with it... and kissing it?

Yes. Yes it is.

did you have a childhood stuffed animal or current stuffed animal that you sleep with? if so, what is it's name?

Um, I have a certain pillow. It's...oh god...don't laugh.  I call it my sausage AND I KNOW THAT SOUNDS BAD BUT I DIDN'T THINK OF IT WHEN I MADE THE NAME YEARS AGO OKAY

when you were a newbie, what could you remember best about it?
Lol, fanning (following) my wattpad idol and sending her a message that said 'Hey fan! Please check out my story Living with the Devil' and she awkwardly replied, 'I'm not your fan...'

Talk about embarrassing!

If you could get rid of one club in wattpad, which one would it be?
The Pub

why is ice cream delicious?

Because it's COLD.

are you planning on joining a gang in the future?

Hell yes.  Pow pow baby

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