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username: @veracity

nickname(s) that people give/call you vera, verachan, bee

why do they call you that? vera's sort of the closest normal name to my username. and my real names bianca so evryone calls me bee for short.

writing or designing (choose one pls)? designing, i find it easier

how long have you been designing (an exact date down to the minute) (jk)? 3 years, 3 months, 12 days.

why do you design/make graphics? to pass the time, for a creative release, to help people out.

what is your oldest graphic that you can find? (link)

what is your best or most recent graphic? (link)

what is the one font you can't live without? ooh, that's hard. Will & Grace? or probably Felix Titling... Oohh, damn.

who are you most acquainted with on wattpad? Hmm, I don't know. I don't think I have an extremely close friend that is like my ride or die. I do truly love @mis-teeq, Bran is my baby. Oh and @Akira_Misaki is bae.

if you could meet one wattpad-er in real life, who would it be? @appetence, defo. Karo seems like the coolest gal alive.

if you could improve on one thing about your graphics, what would it be? I'd try to wein myself off of topaz. if not that, then I would definitely work on forgetting about chosen styles and just play around more. be more creatively free with what I make.

what is your favorite food? Chinese take-away. Sweet and sour pork, heck yah.

what is your all-time favorite book/story whether it be on wattpad or published? CONDUIT by Hope Adon. Was on WP and is now only a sample. I would like to get a copy and read it again, excellent book.

if you were an animal or inanimate object, what would it be? (don't say human bc no) dolphin. love ldolphins. theres a sort of cute but scary majesty to them. so graceful and pretty but can als be super gruesome and smart too.

what is the meaning of life? these nuts. HA. GOT EEEEM

is it normal for little brothers to call a stuffed animal and keep telling said stuffed animal it's cute... and talking to it... and sleeping at night with it... and kissing it? uh yah.

did you have a childhood stuffed animal or current stuffed animal that you sleep with? if so, what is it's name? i had a huge-mungous bear but i didn't give it a name. i just used to make a soap solution and style its hair with it.

when you were a newbie, what could you remember best about it? looking at designers who were so much better and thinking, DAMN, im so shit. then when i got accepted into my first group thread,, and we were all shit but it was okay because we were shit together. (am i allowed to swear?)

If you could get rid of one club in wattpad, which one would it be? none, there's a place for everyone and i sip my tea and mind my business.

why is ice cream delicious? cos its made from the tears of an angel

are you planning on joining a gang in the future? yeah, rich gang. rich homie quan is my cousin, so yeah, i'm a shoe-in.

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