Chapter 4~ you have a sister?

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(Preston's POV)

I woke up next morning with a huge head ache and my back was killing me! ugh I said

"What's wrong babe" said Rob

"I'm not feeling very well"

"What doesn't feel good baby"

"My back and head" I said

"well I can get something for your head but not you back that will have to heal sorry babe. I'll be right back" he said

Once he left I got a phone call from MY SISTER I picked up right away

P=Preston G=Gracie (yes me you should have seen that coming)

G- Ya hey what's up big bro
P-we haven't talked in years! Where are you I really miss you!
G-well about that... My boyfriend and I need somewhere to go and I was hoping we could stay with you.
P-one, who is your boyfriend?! (God Preston protective much?) two, I'm going to have to ask my boyfriend and his mom If you can stay I'm sure they will say yes.
G- thank god I hope we can stay! Calm down Preston Tyler (munchingbrotato) is my boyfriend! I can't wait to meet you boyfriend im sure he is very sweet! Well text me when you can I need to know or will have to start looking for a house love ya bye
P-bye Gracie I'll text you in about 5 minutes.

Rob walked back in I was so happy


"Whoa, Preston calm down what's wrong" he said as he handed me the water and aspirin

"My sister called me we haven't talked in years but she needs a place to stay and I was maybe going to see if she and her boyfriend could stay here if that was fine."

"Of course I'll go ask my mom do you wanna come with"

"Yea lets go I have to text her when we get the answer"

"Mom" yelled Rob

"Yes sweet heart what's wrong" she asked worried

"Can we ask you a favor?"

"Of course honey what is it?"

"Well Preston's sister and her boyfriend kinda need a place to stay. Can they maybe stay here?"

"Sure how old are they?"she asked

"She is a Junior so about 16" I said

"Ok when is she coming"

"Mom why so many questions?" Rob asked

"I just want to know honey"

"I was going to see if she could come today? If that's fine" I asked

"Yes go tell her that's fine" she said

"Ok thanks Tiffany"

"No problem Hun"

I ran up stairs to text Gracie

P-your aloud to come sis!!
G-great what's the address?
P-(insert address here) see us soon
G-thanks see ya bro.

I sat there smiling to my self with soon turned into singing

This world will never be what I expected and if I don't belong who would have guessed it I will not leave alone everything that I own to make you feel like it's not to late it's never to late

Even it I say it'll be alright still I hear you say you want to end your life now again we try to stay alive maybe will turn it around cause it's not to late it's never to late

No one will ever see this side reflected and if there's something wrong who would have guessed it and I have left alone everything that I own to make you feel like it's not to late it's never to late

(Song: not to late, three days grace. One of my favorite songs)

I sang the rest of the song right when I finished Rob walked in

"Wow Preston you are a beautiful singer" Rob said

"Thanks babe, I sing sometimes when I'm happy"

"Wanna cuddle until they get here?" He asked


Rob laughed and we cuddled

<time skip till they're here>

The door bell rang "OMG THEY'RE HERE" I SCREAMED

"Preston calm down" Rob said laughing

I ran to the door and opened it to see my younger sister I tacked her in a hug

"Oh my god Gracie I've missed you so much." I said

"I missed you to Preston" she giggled

I got off her and we walked inside. Hey Tyler you taken care of her. I asked

"Why yes I am I love her"

In the corner of my eye I could see Gracie blushing like mad i just laughed and walked into the living room to where Rob was I sat down next to him and cuddled into this chest

"OH MY GOD THAT IS SO CUTE!!" Yelled Gracie

"Oh ya ops Gracie and Tyler this is Rob my boyfriend"

"Hi Rob nice to met you, you're watching out for him right? It not I will hurt you, if you brake his heart I will brake u." said Gracie

"GRACIE" I yelled

"It's fine Preston your the same way with her you guys are just watching out for each other, and yes i have taking care of him."said Rob

"Well now that that's over want to play video games" I asked

"Yes please" Tyler said

(??? Pov)

Now there is more people in my way all I want is Preston to my self but no for one he has a OVER protective sister and a protective boyfriend this is going to be harder then I though.


Hey guys long time no see sorry I haven't posted anything I have been trying to study for the stupid state test which I have tomorrow ugh kill me now! I decided to write another chapter because of @imadubstepkitty comment it made me laugh so I updated! Also thanks for 159+ reads didn't know I would get really far I'm not even a good writer, anyways I hope you all like this chapter and I'm in the story now you should have seen that coming haha well I hope you have a good day/ night and I'll see all you beautiful faces later byeee

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