Chapter 7~ where could they be

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(Sorry but lot of POV switches)

(Preston's POV before Gracie came)

"Let me out of here josh!" I yelled

"Yell one more time Preston I will come and beat you" I said


He walks down stairs with a knife and a whole bunch of things. 'Oh crap' I though

<time skip to after the beating>

I was laying on the floor in a pool of blood he sat me back up on my chair and tied me up.

"Someone will be joining you soon" he said

"Who are you talking about, you better not touch Rob, Gracie or Tyler" I said

"You'll see soon Preston you'll see soon" he said and walked out of the room

I was starting to get tired and hungry but he doesn't feed me so might as well get some sleep

I woke up to someone calling my name "Preston are you ok?" Asked the person WAIT THATS GRACIE

"Gracie is that you, where are you" I asked

"Ya it's me big bro I'm tied up like you are"

So she was who he was talking about! He took my sister! That pice of shit


"Gracie don't he'll come and beat you like he did to me" I said

"I don't give a shit I'll kill him if he ever touches you again" she said

"I'm scared Gracie" I said

"So am I Preston, so am I"

"Who the fuck was yelling at me, I will beat your ass" josh yelled

'Shit here we go again' (Preston swears only a little in my book only when he is really scared or mad)

(Rob's POV)

We have checked everywhere in the entire city and no sign of any of them I'm starting to get really pissed at josh but I'm starting to brake down I need Preston back and soon because I don't think I can make it without him any longer

"Rob... Rob... ROB" Yelled Tyler

"Oh sorry what did you say?" I asked

"Where could they be we have looked everywhere I'm starting to get scared Rob I miss her and Preston" Tyler said beginning to cry

"Come here Tyler" I said giving him a hug

"We'll fined them trust me" Tyler began to cry even harder

He let go and stopped crying "WAIT ROB DIDN'T YOU SAY HE HAD A HOUSE LIKE A COUPLE HOURS AWAY" Tyler yelled

"Omg he does I totally forgot! We need to go now"

We both ran out of my house and jumped into Tyler's car and raced to Josh's house.

(Gracie's POV)

"You little bitch" I said to Josh



He picked up the whip and smacked me 5 more times, he had been whipping me for about 2 hours in front of Preston I look at Preston he was crying "it's ok Preston I'm fine" no your not Gracie I can't watch my little sister go through what I always went through" he said now sobbing

I got up even know it hurt like hell and walked over to Preston and hugged him "there coming Preston trust me I know Rob and Tyler love us to much to not come and save us I just need to to stay strong and don't fight back if he try's to beat you ok I wouldn't let him touch you anyways ok-" I was cut off my Josh walking into the room

"Get the fuck off of him" he pulled me so I landed on my back which is where he whipped me

"You little bitch" I yelled

"Shut the hell up hoe" he said

"Fuck you to buddy" I said then the worst pain I have ever felt he kicked my back I gasped and then it went black

(Preston's POV) short

I watched him beat her for 2 hours I couldn't watch him anymore he beat her for so long because she fights back the whole time she stood her ground. Gracie is now passed out on the ground because Josh kicked her I was crying and I couldn't stop and I wasn't anytime soon I need Rob very bad, please Rob I hope your coming because I don't think me and Gracie can last any longer I'm starting to give up and if they aren't here soon I think I'm done.....

(Tyler's POV)

I was driving to Josh's house I was getting Gracie and Preston back if it was the last thing I do, it's very lonely sleeping in a bed all by yourself and not have your love there. I look over at Rob to see he fell asleep I wouldn't blame him we both haven't slept since they were taken.

Looks like will be on the road for a while

<time skip to about 5 minutes till they arrive>

Rob has been awake for a while now and we are ready to kick some ass if he even layer a finger on Gracie I'll brake him. (A/N looks like Josh is going to die) we parked about a block away from his house we were walking to his house Rob showed me what house it was I was about to knock on the door when I heard a girl yell 'you little bitch' and a male responded back with a 'shut the hell up hoe' then it went silence... Wait that was GRACIE! OH HELL HE IS GOING TO DIE


Hello every one what will happen when Tyler sees Josh do you think he will beat the sh*t out of him because I do!!! Is Preston going to make it or will he give up find out In the next chapter!!! Anyways if none of you already go follow MadiRosieFF and read her books, I LOVE her books and she is very talented!!!!! Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'll see you all in the next chapter!!!! Love

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