Ch. 1

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Perhaps life wasn't always supposed to be like this. Boring and relapsing into itself. Maybe once it was filled with wonder and magic..but that was long gone now. The only magic I've seen is in movies, shows, and books. Adventures and actions created to add some liveliness to the ordinary day to day routine of life. I've always been a fan of those worlds that lay just beyond my reach in a fantastical paradise. Just the..idea of it all caught my interest. However, I knew it was all fake. I knew I would never experience journeys such as my favorite characters. I've always known that to be the truth.

The day started like any other, and I expected it to finish that way as well. By the end of the day, I was feeling my body give into its exhaustion. Work always seemed to drain me of my energy, no matter how many coffees I had prior. I worked as a waitress, something to help pay for everyday needs while I also studied for college. It wasn't really enough to get by, but I made it work to the best of my ability. After work, I left the small restaurant I waitressed in and began to slide on my coat,
the cool, chilly air already attacking my exposed skin. Stuffing my hands into my pockets to help protect them from the cold, I began to make my way towards my car in the parking lot. I lived just outside of town on the outskirts. So my job wasn't terribly far from where I lived. Maybe 15 minutes away. But tonight i noticed as I began to walk towards my car, that snow was beginning to fall. Which meant that 15 minute drive would turn into a 20 minute one. With a small exhale I unlocked my car, slid into the drivers seat and instantly flipped on the heat. Deciding to sit for a moment to let the cold interior warm up. Once it did, I put the car into drive and began to back out of my work's parking lot and drive onto the road. A long stretch of woods greeted each side of my window as I drove down the quiet road. The snow began to fall harder, passing by my head lights, which looked rather beautiful. Surely it would stick to the ground, it was freezing out. As I drove on..I suddenly noticed a blue light begin to glow within the woods up ahead on my side. Slowing down I stopped to stare out my window at the light, glowing just behind a few trees. The color was like nothing I had ever was fading in and out with vibrant blue colors, casting a shadow of the tall trees onto the forest floor. I felt drawn to this light...and I am a very intemperate person. Stepping out of the the car, I felt the crunch of frozen ground under me as I began to walk into the forest, my short breaths forming into wispy clouds before me in the cold air. The forest passed by me as began to walk closer to the blue light. Finally close enough to see what emitted such a glow, I paused in my tracks to see what appeared to be an opening of some sorts. A tear in the air as if someone had slashed through the air and cut a hole that lead somewhere. Blue light whipped around the opening, entrancing me further. I stepped toward, just a little closer..and suddenly the blue light became brighter and began to flood my vision. Fear shot through my body, making me break away from whatever entrancement I was under. My legs were moving now as I attempted to escape the blue light..only to have it further flood my vision and suddenly I couldn't see in front of me. I felt my body being pulled backwards..then darkness. I was falling..falling for the longest time. And then suddenly the darkness faded..and I could see where I was falling. Snow covered trees whipped by me as I fell closer to the ground. I was getting too close..surely this fall would kill me. Panic and terror ripped through me, causing a scream to tear its way out through my burning lungs. My hands grasped desperately at branches to slow my fall..when one slipped by my fingers, I closed my palm tightly. I had grabbed a study branch but from how fast I had been falling, my wrist made a snapping sound when trying to support my descending body. Shrieking in pain, I let go, my body falling once again, hitting branches on the way down to the forest floor. Suddenly..I wasn't falling anymore. I had hit the forest floor, but it was softer than I thought it would be. Slowly bringing my eyes open, I was met with a pure white color. I raised my head, staring at the the snow underneath me. It was deep and had acted as a pillow when I hit the ground. Of course, it only helped the fall a bit. When I tried to breath, my body burned and ached. Letting out a pained groaned, I pushed myself off the ground, trying to sit up. However using my right wrist cause a shooting pain. I looked closer at it, noticing how the bone was poking against my skin. I grimaced at the sight, taking a better look at my surroundings. I was in a forest..covered with snow. Was it the same forest I had been in? The road shouldn't be too far.. where did all this snow come from? Using a tree for support, I began to stand, my legs aching. My outfit was dirtied and ripped to almost shreds. It was my waitressing outfit. Jeans and a black T-shirt with black tennis shoes. My pants had large holes ripped into them, and my shirt had little tears along the sides. The air was freezing cold..sneaking into where my skin was exposed. I could feel it begin to wash over my skin, causing my body to shiver. There was no way this is where I just was. I had to be somewhere different. Soon I decided to walk..maybe I could find somewhere to warm up, it beat freezing to death. Wrapping my arms around myself in an attempt to grasp any warmth, I began my walk. As I moved, my body ached and spiked with pain. It shot through my body in waves, however, I kept a very slow pace. The snow crunching beneath me was the only sound I could hear. The forest was wide and thick with foliage and snow. This was not the same forest I was in earlier. The sky was a grey color, covered with light clouds that began to rain down with soft snow. My head was so fuzzy from the fall. Maybe that's what kept me from panicking. Bringing one foot in front of the other with a bit of effort, I managed to trudge through the snow, continuing forward. Without warning, a snap rang throughout the quiet forest. The snap of a branch nearby. This sound made my body freeze entirely, my eyes searching the area surrounding me. Was it a person? A wild animal? I wasn't going to stay and find out. Moving as fast as my legs would allow, I began to wade through the thick snow. Taking sharper breaths due to the pain shooting through me, the cold air filled my lungs, burning my chest. Rapid footfallls followed behind me, causing anxiety and fear to ripple through my shivering body. The snow began to fall harder as I pushed through the pain, kicking snow up as I moved. Glancing back, my eyes widened in horror at the sight before me. A rather large wolf with an open jaw of sharp teeth raced after me, gaining quickly. I let out a grunt of pain as I tried moving quicker, catching sight of a large tree with low hanging branches. Maybe if I could climb them, I could escape the wolf. Moving towards the tree, I grabbed a low branch, attempting to pull myself up, only to cry in pain at my wrist. Looking around desperately, I realized I had no where to go. I was going to die. I turned around, deciding to face the creature head on..only to see nothing. The forest was quiet again. Lifting up a branch that lay on the ground, I held it in my hands, attempting to keep a good hold on the cool dead bark. My wrist made this action difficult. My eyes scanned over the vast white forest, my body shivering from fear and the cold atmosphere. A crunching noise from behind forced my body to swing around and aim the branch at whatever stood behind me. It connected with a body, and a loud pained groaned followed. I dropped the branch, looking at what I had just hit. On the ground, a medieval sort of dressed man lay in the snow holding his stomach, whining to someone behind him. I looked up only to lock eyes with a pair of golden ones. A man stood tall, a lead in his hand that held a horse close at his side. He had white, dirty hair that was held back from his face. Still a few strands managed to escape and fall over his skin. He wore a black tunic outfit with leather pants. My eyes glanced to the man whining on the ground, to the tall intimidating man standing beside his horse. They cosplaying? Yes yes..they..must be. Raising my hands a bit, with a bit of a pained smile, I began to talk. "I'm- so sorry! I thought you were..uh.. a wolf" you spoke slowly, now realizing that wolves didn't live in the area you occupied. What was a wolf doing all the way out here? The man on the ground slowly stood, making a face. "A wolf? You were the one the wolf was after! Geralt it wasn't a wounded animal after all. I was right." The man spoke smugly, looking up at his companion. The taller one, geralt, replied with a simple "Mm". His gaze stayed on me. Almost as if he were studying me. My body trembled a little seemed my energy was reaching its end. The man in the medieval outfit took note of this. "You're injured, what happened to you? And what- are you wearing?" I furrowed my brow, attempting to reply..before a wave of nauseous and exhaustion washed over me. In only seconds I felt darkness flood my vision..and then I was falling again. Into a void of nothingness.

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