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Geralt's explanation of his world was more than I could even manage to comprehend. It was unreal. Almost like a fantasy novel. As I sat there, listening closely to each word, I began to imagine the different things he described, mages, monsters, Magic objects, kingdoms..the list went on and on. Eventually, after I began to understand a good portion..I asked him a question. "So..if there are monsters..what do you do? To protect yourself? Or is it like an encounter with a wild animal? You just pray and run like hell?" A low rumble rose from his chest, which I could only assume was a chuckle. He took hold of a small medallion of a wolf hanging from his neck. "I'm a Witcher. We take jobs killing monsters for coin" he answered plainly, letting the medallion fall back against his chest. I nodded slowly, gazing at the medallion. "Why a wolf?" I asked, glancing back at his eyes. "It's the school I hailed from. They make boys into...Witchers." He spoke that last part slowly as if it was an unpleasant memory. I nodded and reached out a bit to touch the medallion, only to suddenly watch it begin to shake. Geralt furrowed his brows and looked towards me, well..he was staring more than just looking. "What does that mean?" I asked, pulling my hand away. His voice was lower now as if he was unsure"My medallion is sensitive to magic. It"
"Geralt! I've been looking for you everywhere" the door was pushed open as a rather loud brunette walked in, his eyes widening as they landed on me. "She's awake." Geralt said simply, standing up. The brunette waltzed over, opening his mouth to speak when Geralt took hold of his shoulder. "She needs rest, Jaskier. We're going to be traveling again soon and she'll join us." Jaskier raised a brow and then looked over to me. "Geralt we just met the woman-"
"Fine fine you're in charge- like we haven't had our fair share of trusting strange women" he replied, raising his hands up. I held out my hand, looking towards Jaskier. "I'm (Y/n). It's nice to meet you, Jaskier." The man's face softened a bit as he took my hand within his, shaking it. " what we're you doing in the woods with barely anything to warm up with? And what kind of clothes were you wearing-" Geralt pulled Jaskier back by his shoulders, leading him out of the room. Jaskier huffed and let the taller man guide him from the room. "What's with you and strange women, Geralt? " I heard Jaskier say before they both left. Leaving me alone within the small bedroom.

I had managed to fall back asleep and when I awoke, it was dark outside. The room was almost pitch black except for the moonlight pooling in through the large window. Soon enough I slipped from the bed, a sharp pain greeting my sides as I did so..but it didn't hurt as much as it did before. Which was strange. My feet touched the cold ground, causing a shiver to run through my body. Beginning to stand, I made my way towards the window, standing before the thin glass to gaze out at the quiet forest. Snow covered every inch of the ground..the light of the moon shone down onto the beautiful white snow, lighting the forest floor in an angelic glow. My eyes drifted from the window and towards the bed. Taking up one of the wolf fur blankets, I brought it around my shoulders, then slowly made my way out the door. The tavern lacked any noise, and only a few candles lit the place. As I descended the stairs that led downstairs to the bar, I noticed no one was awake other than Jaskier. He was placed in a bar stool, strumming gently at a..strange-looking guitar. He kept repeating the same few notes while also muttering words. Padding down the stairs, I arrived at the floor, peeking my head into the entryway of the bar. Large empty wooden tables were laid out in lines with wooden stools placed under them. Hanging from the ceiling by chains were candle chandeliers, flickering and casting shadows amongst the wooden plank flooring. The smell of this tavern was mainly.. well wood and alcohol. However, the subtlest hint of vanilla lingered in the air. I began to enter the bar, and once I did, Jaskier looked up, his gaze on mine. "You're awake. And Walking. Seems those healing salves Geralt used on you worked wonders." he spoke, focusing his attention back to the instrument. I smiled a little at the thought of the white-haired male. He seemed like a gentle giant type of person. Walking towards Jaskier, I patted the stool next to him and tilted my head. "Is this seat taken?" I asked. Jaskier let out a light chuckle and shook his head. "well since there aren't any more places open, have a seat." he replied, strumming the strings on his weird guitar thing. "Well thank you..So, what is that? A guitar?" I asked, studying the instrument as I took a seat. The man furrowed his brows and almost seemed offended that I had called it a guitar. "This is no guitar! It's a lute." he raised the wooden lute as if id suddenly understand the difference. "..So it's a guitar." Jaskier rolled his eyes and exhaled. "A guitar..with more strings. Guitars have only a few, the lute has quite a few more," he replied, placing the lute into his lap. I nodded and looked towards the surface of the bar. "So you play songs? Can I hear one?" Jaskier looked at me and hummed a response, basically saying yes. "I am a bard afterall." Soon, I was listening to a slower-paced song being strummed out by the strings of the lute. To my surprise, he began to sing a song with the music. From what I could tell, it was a story about him and Geralt called "Toss a Coin to your Witcher". I swayed my head a bit, listening to his voice. The music was pleasant and well played. Once he finished, I remained silent for a moment. Jaskier placed the lute back into his lap and sighed. "You didn't like it" I shook my head quickly. "No that isn't it! Jaskier, that was amazing! I would've never thought you could sing like that. I loved it," I answered quickly. I had only paused because I didn't want the song to end, I had hoped he'd play more. Jaskier looked a little surprised. "you do? that's a first.. Geralt doesn't enjoy it all too much.." he replied, chuckling quietly. "He once told me that it was like getting a pie and finding it had no filling." I attempted to hold back the laugh that threatened to escape my lips but it found its way out. "No way, that must've been rough" I spoke out between the laugh. Jaskier raised his shoulders and rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah, a real comedic genius that one.." he mumbled sarcastically. "Anyway, enough about Geralt and I. As much as I'd like to keep going..Where did you come from, (Y/n)?" Taking a deep breath, I began to relay my story to Jaskier, explaining the differences of my world and his. He listening with the upmost attention, only stopping me to ask the occasional question. Once I finished he leaned back in his seat, shooting a glance to the ceiling. "So, this is no where near what your world is like? Hell I'd like to live where monsters don't exist." I nodded, looking at the bar. " world is..well..we have stories and shows that are like this one. We use them for entertainment." Jaskier eyed me for a second. "Huh..well..that's.." he seemed to be lost for words. Just then, the entrance to the tavern opened  up. Geralt made his way in, decorated in the outfit he was wearing the first day we met in the forest. He was also covered with snow fall. He was busy fumbling with a button that held together the cloak around his shoulders. As he began to slip that off, snow began to litter the floor, soon melting into tiny puddles. Jaskier reached over the bar, grabbing up a wooden mug, beginning to fill it with some sort of alcohol from a barrel. "How'd it go?" Jaskier asked, sliding the mug to the end of the bar. Geralt threw the cloak onto a stool, settling himself down in front of the wooden mug. "Fine." He grunted, taking a long drink of the amber colored liquid. "How'd what go?" I asked, looking over at Jaskier and Geralt. "Well, Geralt's a Witcher which means he'll kill whatever monster for coin. Taverns folk have been raving about this monster in the forest, he took the job to kill it. Good thing too, it scared away all the women." He spoke, sounding disappointed. I scoffed and shook my head, looking to Geralt. "So..are you okey?" I asked. Jaskier laughed at that. "You mean Geralt? Of course he's fine! He's the white wolf!" Geralt grunted a bit at Jaskier's response. "I'm fine." He spoke in his usual low voice. I nodded, looking over to Jaskier. "Why do they call him the white wolf?" Jaskier looked over to Geralt. "Well. His hair. And the Witcher medallion he wears. Just- seemed to stick." He answered honestly. I pulled my lips into a line and rolled my eyes. After a moment of silence, Geralt's voice spoke up, startling both me and Jaskier. "Do you want to go home?" He asked suddenly. My eyes flickered to him, then towards the hypnotic golden glow of the candles hanging above. "Yes. I have apartment to pay family.." you answered slowly. Soon enough you brought your attention back to Geralt. "How do I get home?" Geralt looked at you for a moment, then towards his ale. He swirled the liquid a bit before tipping the cup towards his lips. "I don't know. You can travel with us, maybe on the road we'll find answers." I nodded, looking over to Jaskier. He seemed a bit excited at that statement. Just not too long ago he was complaining about how Geralt always seemed to do this, but I decided not to pry. Taking the wolf fur blanket and placing into into my lap, I looked towards the two men. Jaskier stared at me for a moment before turning his gaze away abruptly. Geralt looked over for only a moment before looking at the floor. These actions confused me. "What?" Jaskier coughed and pointed down to the lace holding together the night gown I was wearing. It had come undone and only a small part of my chest was showing. Not any part I'd be uncomfortable with. "What about it? It's not that bad." I said, beginning to retie the lace. Geralt grunted and then stood up, walking over towards me. "In your world maybe. Here? You need to be more careful. Jaskier will find you a better fitting outfit tomorrow." Jaskier opened his mouth to protest, but a growl from Geralt silenced his words. He frowned and crossed his arms. " leave everything to the bard...that's his only job. To slave away for a Witcher and bring him recognition-" Geralt turned towards Jaskier and exhaled. "Thank you, Jaskier." The previously salty bard pulled his lips into a tight line, before making a small huff. "You're welcome, Geralt."A smile spread across my lips at the two. However, a looming fear pitted itself in my gut. I didn't know much about this world. In a place of magic and monsters, did I have a chance?

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