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The morning sun peeked out over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the freshly fallen snow. It glimmered in the sunlight, shining more brightly than diamonds. I had been bundled in the wolf fur blankets that littered the bed, fast asleep. It was a comfortable sleep. It almost made me believe I was just dreaming and that any minute I would wake in my bedroom, decorated with books and random Knick-knacks. However, a knock at the door pulled me away from my dreamland..and back into the reality of the situation. I was stuck in a fairytale. One that didn't seem to have a lot of happy endings. This world was littered with monsters, both human and creature. The only two people I knew and had no choice but to trust were Geralt and Jaskier. I didn't know enough about either of them..but I was learning. So far I know Jaskier is a bard..and Geralt is something called a Witcher. He hunts monsters..kinda like Sam and Dean from Supernatural. Last night I had made the connection, so maybe I could apply what I knew of the monsters from that show- to the present reality I was in. If the same monsters existed here. After hearing the knocking I was partially awake, but I attempted to bury myself deeper in the fur blankets in order to steal a few fading glimpses of sleep. Soon though, I heard the door open slowly, and heavy footsteps approached the bed. Then a gruff voice broke through the comfortable silence of the room. "(Y/n). Get up, we need to get moving." It was Geralt. With a groan I moved my head out from under the covers and glanced to the window. Barely daylight. I thought to complain about how it's too early, but then I realized how I should be grateful they even took me in. Afterall they could've just left me broken in the forest. Taking a deep breath, I shucked the covers off and slid my legs from the bed. "You get up this early everyday?" I asked, combing a hand through my tangled hair. I needed a brush really bad. Geralt only chuckled and looked to the window. "This isn't early" was all he said before walking towards the door. "Jaskier went out and grabbed some new clothes for you. They aren't much but they'll keep you warm." I offered a nod and took a deep breath..the day was only starting

I looked in the dusty mirror that leaned against one of the walls of the tavern room, looking at the clothes I was given. My top was grey, with loose sleeves and a corset type belt around my waist. Over that, was a black cloak that connected at the neck by a clip of sorts. My pants were a black wool material, with buttons leading up that made them kinda like high rise jeans. I had raked my fingers through my hair multiple times but it still remained tangled. With a defeated sigh, I pulled the cloak around my shoulders and gave myself one more look over. The clothes were new to me, and I still had the liberty of a bra and underwear underneath the new clothes, which helped me feel more comfortable. I felt like I was in one of those festivals that have mystical themes where people dressed elves and witches while they ran around and had a good time. This? Wasn't a good time. I've been here a day and a half and I've already had my body bashed around, and I have yet to have a hot shower. When I had asked about showers, Geralt had given me a confused look, so I assumed that the luxury of hot showers didn't exist here. With a sigh, I began to make my way from the room, some parts of my body still aching. The poultice that Geralt had used on my injuries worked wonders, yet there was a painful ache left in my limbs. I began to descend the stairs of the tavern, and once I reached the landing, I was met with a lively scene. People came in and out, dressed in tunics and loose white shirts. The women dressed in different colored dresses, only a few had pants on like I did. Jaskier stood on one of the tables, singing a drinking shanty of some sorts, and Geralt was sat at the bar, sipping a mug of ale. As I fully entered, I was greeted with the smell of bread, and with that smell, my stomach began to growl. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I smelled the bread. Walking towards the bar, i took a seat next to Geralt, glancing back at Jaskier. "It's like watching a live concert." I spoke, trying to break the silence between us. Geralt grunted and took another long sip of his mug. In front of him was a plate with a few slices of bread and some sort of meat. My stomach growled again. Geralt's head turned when he heard the sound and I smiled sheepishly and looked back down at the bar. Suddenly the plate of food was slid in front of me, along with a mug of ale. I looked up to see Geralt sipping from his mug, staring hard at the bar before him. "Thank you, Geralt" I whispered before making a grab for the bread. As I took it into my hands, a sudden burst from the entrance caused me to drop the bread back onto the plate, jumping up in my chair. A man with a drunken expression stumbled in with a few other men. The man's eyes immediately found themselves on Geralt. He began to make his way towards the taller male, the other three men hot on his heels. Geralt made no effort to look over, he just kept his eyes trained on the bar. I, however was staring a little too hard and eventually my gaze flickered to Jaskier. He was looking over too, his singing had ceased and he was watching with a concerned gaze. The drunken man grabbed at Geralt's shoulder, spinning him around..with quite a bit of effort due to Geralt's size. The Witchers yellow eyes met with the man's, showing no emotion at all. I couldn't tell what he was feeling. The man spoke up with a gruff, drunken slur of words, his expression seeming angry and agitated. "The butcher of Blaviken! The emotionless witcher himself!" He yelled, bringing his fist up. "Those men you slaughtered? One of them was my brother! My older brother! You're gonna pay Witcher. Ya here? You mutant!" He almost seemed to scream.I watched in horror and he lifted his fist to bring it down onto Geralt.Quickly, not really knowing what else to do, I grabbed the ale that Geralt had given me..and splashed it onto the man. There was a sound of shocked gasps that erupted among the crowd that had formed. The man slowly let go of Geralt, looking over towards me. His eyes looked to be fiery and enraged. He made an advance towards me, and in seconds, Geralt shot forward, gripping the man's shoulders. He tossed him into the 3 men that had came in with him. They then bumped into a few others..and within moments, everyone was fighting amongst each other, fists were flying and curses were tossed around. I ducked back from a punch coming my way, suddenly feeling a hand around my arm. It pulled me forward, dragging me out of the tavern. When I was outside, I soon found that the hand had been Geralt, and Jaskier came stumbling from the tavern behind us, clutching his lute tightly. "Well that" He spoke up, looking towards me. "You were great (y/n)!" I furrowed my brows and looked to Geralt then back to Jaskier. "I didn't know what else to do-..Geralt what was that man talking about?" The silver haired Witcher glanced towards me for only a moment..and in that moment I saw pain flicker across his usually cold yellow eyes. "(Y/n) get on roach. We're leaving." He instructed with a rough tone, making his way towards his horse. I pulled my lips into a line, offering a small nod. The butcher of Blaviken. The name sounded..bitter and haunting. I decided not too push further. Jaskier came up to my side and leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper. "Geralt fought and killed a group of men and a princess named Renfri. She was threatening to kill a child and Geralt had no other choice. Another one of his strange women lovers gone wrong. Obviously the town didn't take too well to that and forced him out with stones." He spoke, his eyes flickering to Geralt. My gaze moved towards the tall man, my expression softening a little.

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