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Yennefer of Vengerburg. Why did that name seem so official? Dangerously beautiful, carrying with her an intensity and competence that no one else around her seemed to possess. It was only fitting that Geralt be enchanted by every single move she made, every look she cast toward his golden eyes. There was a familiarity in them, but also a sort of distance that made Geralt stiffen. You had noticed this ever since you all had left the tavern with the old man. Being attentive was one of your newest attributes, you adapted to this world and grew more cautious of the environment around you. This included the company that you kept, mostly Geralt and Jaskier. That's what you focused on as you walked at their side through the wooded area you now passed. You three were following a trail that Borch mapped out, a path toward the mountainous regions. Apparently, the teams would meet at a clearing and pack their gear before making the long trek up the mountain pathway, toward the sighting of the dragon. It was a race, yet the teams were to travel together. Something about that fact seemed off to you, and a little dangerous. As you walked, you kept an eye on the ground below you. Being lost in thought, you found it easier to focus on the ground passing beneath your feet. That was until you practically ran into a man who was abruptly turning, cursing about a stolen pack. As you quickly made an attempt to apologize, you hesitated. This man was a dwarf, which ultimately caught you by surprise. The man looked up at you and held his hands up, an angry expression across his face."Keep an eye out for those fuckin' Reavers! Stolen my pack!" He snapped at a team that only looked amusingly toward the man. It looked like there would be plenty of hostility on this journey. You walked ahead of Geralt and Jaskier, beginning to take your things from Roach in order to make a bag for yourself to carry on the mountain path. You could vaguely hear the conversation between Geralt and the dwarf you had bumped into. As you began to fold a blanket into your leather bag, you looked up to see a woman coming closer, Yennefer. Jaskier had informed you of who she was, he seemed to enjoy rambling on about how she was a scary witch who only desired to make Geralt miserable. You didn't take Geralt for the type to allow cold people to invade his solitary why would he want someone like this? To pine for someone so cruel? You decided he was over-exaggerating and simply disliked the woman, but you couldn't be sure. First impressions were never what they seemed in a world such as this.

"How is it I've walked this earth for decades without coming across a Witcher and the first one I meet I can't seem to get rid of?"

There was a warmness in her voice but Jaskier was almost too quick to reply. "I would say something strange is afoot, but then again Witchers are bound to bump into monsters eventually". Yennefer only looked at Jaskier with a sarcastic amusement in her expression.



"The crows feet are new" she pointed out with a slight bite to her voice, matching his smugness. Jaskier scoffed, obviously scrambling for a comeback. "Well your jokes are...old" his words drifting off as he tried to maintain his pride by shrugging on his gear and stalking off with a small frown. You lightly patted his shoulder as he walked away to pout from his damaged dignity. It wasn't often that you saw the infamous bard without a witty remark or response. "I've yet to meet you, a companion of yours, Geralt?" You looked up, your gaze now meeting the woman's. Her eyes were on Geralt but the question was more or less directed toward you. "I'm a traveling companion. Geralt was kind enough to allow me to join him and Jaskier on their travels" you put it plainly, but the suspecting look in Yennefer's eyes was anything but belief for your words. Geralt seemed to notice almost immediately and wasted no time in explaining further. "(Y/n) is traveling with me until she finds a way to get back to her real home". Even with his reassuring words, the mage seemed to look at you as competition.  A travel companion was really all you were. As soon as you found out how to get back to your world, Geralt would be rid of you, you would never see him or Jaskier again. A sharp pain met your chest as that thought crossed your mind. Reaching up, you gripped your shirt into a fist, staring hard at the bag in your hand. How could you leave a world you had grown so used to? Geralt looked down at your bag. "You will not be coming with us" he spoke firmly, watching as Yennefer walked off to dote on her travel companion. You furrowed your brows slightly. "What? Why wouldn't i?" Geralt exhaled heavily, looking at the mountain. "This is a dangerous trail. You are not ready for this journey. I cannot promise to protect you from something like this". He looked down at you with his signature emotionless gaze. "I appreciate the concern but I wasn't asking permission, Geralt. I will be coming. I mean, even Jaskier is going and he's..Jaskier." You spoke slowly, trying to prove a point but the Witcher didn't even grace you with a single glance. Only a faint grumble came from his chest.  "I do not need your death on my conscience. When we reach the dragon, you will stay behind, (Y/n)" he spoke begrudgingly, an obvious annoyance to his tone. You nodded, sliding your worn-down bag onto your shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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