Ch. 2

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Your eyes slowly began to open, light meeting your vision. After blinking a few times, you blinked away the blur from your eyes, laying your gaze upon a wooden ceiling. With a small groan, you began to sit up, your body aching with each movement. As you sat up, you noticed your clothes were gone, and instead replaced with a white night gown of some sorts. Panic struck your chest, did those men take your clothes? Were you kidnapped? Sitting up further, you felt something move against your torso. Sliding your hand under the gown, you felt a soft, tight cloth wrapped around your upper body. The same was around your wrist and ankle. Confusion came over you..why would they wrap you in this and not medical bandages? These were just..cloths. Slipping your legs out of the bed, you made an attempt to stand, only to fall back over. Pain striking your body. The cold floor pressed against your bare skin, it seemed that the room couldn't keep the cold from seeping in. Now unable to move on the floor, you looked around, getting a better look of the room you were in.. A large window in the wall before you allowed a little bit of light to come in, lighting the room with a grey color. A simple bed lay behind you, covered with wolf fur blankets. Beside the bed sat a small nightstand, made with dark wood. A small old timey lock was put on the drawer, and the key to this lock sat on top of the nightstands surface. Your eyes shifted slowly towards the window, peering out at the vast world beyond the thin glass. It was snowing again..harder this time. Grey clouds covered the entire sky, blanketing the atmosphere with dark colors. The creaking of the door made your attention snap to the entrance of the room. As the door opened, you saw the tall white haired man again. His eyes were contemplative and his face was contorted with concern. Furrowing your brows you made an attempt to scoot backwards against the floor, taking a sharp breath at the pain you felt with even the slightest movements. The man walked into the room, making slow steps towards you. "I'm not going to hurt you." He said calmly, his voice rough but oddly soft. Squinting your eyes you looked down at your body and then back up at him. "Well I don't know about that. Did you change me when I was out? Did you do anything else? Where am I?" You began to ask all at once. Though your voice was hoarse from all the screaming still managed to hold a bit of bite to your words. The man paused and exhaled slowly, making a small hum. Though due to his voice it sounded more like a low growl. He moved towards the bed and took a seat, the bed creaking under his weight."I didn't change you. Jaskier had a woman do it. I didn't do anything to you other than provide the bandages and healing mixtures. You are in a tavern room we've rented out for you." He answered plainly, his eyes focused onto yours. Taking in his answers, you looked off in confusion. Tavern? Healing mixtures? Where the hell were you? "Where am I exactly? Am I still in the United States?" You questioned, eyeing the man's attire. He wore a black shirt that opened a bit into a V, and black leather pants with black boots. The clothes clung tightly to his muscles, and you concluded this man must be addicted to working out or something. The man stared at you for a moment before slowly responding. "You are not. You should get back into the bed, get more rest.." he began to say, starting to get off the place he was seating. He suddenly was reaching for you, and in a panic you pushed his hands away, holding up your fists. You didn't know the first thing about punching but hell, the movies always made it look easy. The man raised a brow and exhaled, moving his hands away. "I'm still not going to hurt you. Why would I bandage you only to hurt you?" He asked, raising his brows with question. A small frown came to your lips. He was right. Slowly you lowered your fists, letting him bring his arms around you. He hooked his arm underneath your legs and one around your back. Attempting to be careful around your injuries, he began to lift you as if you weighed nothing. "Damn he's strong.." you thought to yourself. Setting you down into the bed, the white-haired male slowly lets go, taking a look over the bandages. "How did you injure yourself?" He asked, bringing his eyes back up to yours, the golden color of his eyes bright. You couldn't read his emotions..he seemed to keep one steady look and that was it. "I was..following a light in the forest beside a road. I had almost driven by it but it entranced me. So I walked out of my car, went to follow the light, sucked in I think? Then I was falling. I fell and hit a few things going down.. then I was here in the forest." As you told this story, the man only looked confused. "Car..?" He asked the word sounding foreign to him. You nodded and then paused. A realization slowly began to sink down into your gut. None of this made sense. You just weren't in your world anymore "You don't know what a car is do you..? Oh god. Did I travel back in time? No..this isn't a certain place in time. Normal people don't have golden eyes.." the man grumbled at those words. Flashing an apologetic look, you then laid back into the bed, covering your face. "I'm..I'm not where I was. That blue have taken me somewhere else. That's- the only explanation I have for it. This isn't my world." You said, peeking at him from between your fingers. The man hummed once again, his gaze looking off at the window. "You've come here from..another world?..I knew there was magic in you,I just couldn't figure out how.." he drifted off, seeming lost in thought. You straightened up at the word magic. "Magic? You have..real magic here?" You asked, tilting your head. The man's face lifted in surprise as he looked at you. "You don't? No mages? Monsters?" He asked, his attention fully fixed on your gaze. You nodded, then slunk back into the bed. "Monsters..there's..monsters here? God, where the hell did I land? Why did I get out of my car.." you whined, shaking your head. This was a lot to process wasn't exactly all coming to you. It felt too unreal. "This has to be a can't be real.." you whispered to yourself. Holding your arm out, you pinched a piece of skin between your fingers and winced. If you were dreaming, that would've woken you up. This..wasn't a dream. Looking back up at him, you took a deep breath, trying to process this all at once. " that I know you..aren't just an eccentric cosplayer.." the man's face furrowed with confusion at the word, but you just shrugged and took a deep breath. "Tell me everything about this world would you?"
"Well, Geralt.. I'm Y/n. Y/n L/n"

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