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I stared out the bus window as I listened to my playlist on Spotify. I can hear everyone else yelling, but I can't make out any of it. Nobody on this bus likes me, so why should I have to listen to them when I have my phone and earbuds? I shouldn't, is the conclusion I came to months ago.

When I started ninth grade, I hoped it would be like eighth grade,aka the best school year I've ever had so far. But, every thing has been slowly changing since then. In ninth grade, two nearby schools combine into ours since they only go to eighth grade. And with all those new people, it's the perfect setting for everything to quickly go down hill.

                  ---°{Time Skip}°---

No one was at home when I got there. "Just like usual," I thought to myself. I decided to search the kitchen to try to find a snack. I settled for some type of sweet(ish) mix that my mom brought back from a wedding. My mom is the Group Sales Coordinator for Mountain State Park, so she has to be at all the weddings, family reunions, birthday parties, etc, that groups come to her to plan, to "make sure they follow all of the park's rules". She's almost never home on the weekends.

After eating, I took a nap for the first time in forever and had a very peculiar dream.

"Why are we at a church?"

"You'll see."

We walked into the church and the inside did NOT look like a church at all. In fact, it looked more like a bar. There were walls and walls of glass shelves that held LOTS of glass bottles of alcohol.

"You want a drink?"


Then, the scene changed. Now, we were driving up a dirt road in a green pickup truck into a cleared area in the middle of a forest. I feel like I should mention that it's daytime right now.

"This place is safe from the outside world and is in the national forest."

I looked around. There were a whole lot of trees everywhere. "It would be terrible for the forest if there was a wild fire here," I thought.

Then, the scene changed again. Now, it was night and we were outside the church by the green pickup truck. There was a rumble of thunder and a flash of lightning.

"It's a thunderstorm! We should go into the church. Come on!"

"No thanks," I said as I climbed in to the truck. "Go on without me."

"Ok then." Just as she entered the church, a bolt of lightning came down and crashed into it. The person came running out towards the truck and the church is now on fire, half destroyed. She climbed in and we drove of in the truck.

As we were driving, we saw the forest we visited earlier get set ablaze by another bolt of lighting. All of the woods in sight glowed a bright orange. I could just about hear the cries of all the animals trapped in the fire.

The scene changed again, this time to the next morning. Now we were driving through a town in some type of car with a 5 year old, blonde haired child in the back strapped into a car seat.

"Look! It's snowing!" the child said as she saw black "snow" falling from the sky.

"That's not snow, that's ashes."


"Hey, wake up. You have a dentist appointment soon," I heard someone say as they dragged me out of my dream.

"Fine," I replied, not wanting to get up.


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