It's such a beautiful afternoon.
It's a nice, cool temperature,
And there's a bit of wind blowing.
It's such a beutiful afternoon.

One patch of sky is blue and sunny,
But most of the sky is dark and gray.
It's sprinkling,
It's thundering,
And it's lightning.
It's such a beautiful afternoon.

Now it's raining harder and hailing a bit.
Ooh my!
I just saw a flash of lightning!
Good thing I'm on my bus.

To my left runs a flooded creek,
And to my right lies a submerged forest.
It's such a beautiful afternoon.

With the rain now pouring down,
The faux lakes have returned
And everything looks like one big puddle.
The sky turned into one enormous, white cloud.
Oh what a beautiful afternoon it is.

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