So, the weirdest thing happened to me today. I was in 6th period class today (we only have 7 periods) and I saw that I had an email from someone. I've seen one of my friends text him before so I recognised his name, but I have no clue who he is.

    He said,"Hey are you a clarinet player?" but he misspelled clarinet as "claranet". I said "Yeah" and then he asked, "Where you the one that sat next to Shelly Parkingticket (that's not her real name but I had to her) on the bus Friday?" And I said "Yeah, why?"

    His answer was, "I like you." And I said, "Like me how?" And he said that he like liked me. Like bf and gf.

    First of all, I don't even know him. Secnd of all, we've never talked. But apparently we talked on the bus Friday for 5 minutes total AT MOST.

  Then he gave me his phone number. Amd keep in mind that this is on SCHOOL EMAIL. But since he gave me his number I felt like I had to give him mine, so I did.
   I put his contact picture as the eye rolling emoji and it's hilarious. Everytime he texts I just see the emoji and then what he sent.

    Though anyways I don't know what to do. I told my friend Addison about it and she said I should agree to the relationship, but I don't know if I want to. I'm currently in a dieing relationship right now and I also don't know whatto do about that

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