11 (Based on a True Story)

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                   Tuesday, 2:40 P.M.
               -{°On the school bus°}-

K: Are you dating Julie?

Reina: No! She's 3 years younger than me!

K: Oh my bad. I thought you were.

K: So, are you like, dating Jaine?

Reina: Yeah.

B: Aren't you both girls?

Reina: Yeah. And?

K, B, C, & N: Eww!

Reina: Whats wrong with that?

C: You're gonna go to hell, that's what's wrong with that!

Reina: Ok, and? I don't care.

N: Wait a minute, doesn't Julie have two girlfriends?

B: Oh yeah. I heard that one of them cheated on her, so she started cheating to make her jealous.

K: Hey Reina, how many girlfriends do you have?

Reina: Two.

K, B, C, & N: Oh my god!

B: Who are you cheating on?

Reina: No one.

K: Lair!

Reina: I'm not lieing. It's called being polyamorous.

N: What dies that mean?

Reina: It's where you're dating multiple people at once-

B: So cheating?

Reina: No-

C: Sounds like cheating to me.

Reina: It's not cheating because all the people involved in the relationship knows who the other people are dating, and they're fine with it. At least, that's the rules my girlfriends and I have.

Reina: The sad things is, my girlfriends were dating each other but broke up earlier today.

K, C, B, & N: ....

C: Nope. That's unholy. You're definitely gonna go to hell.

Reina: *shrugs shoulders* Oh well.

B: Don't you care about Jesus?

Reina: I don't really belive in Christianity anymore. The mindset that only THAT religion is right and every other religion is wrong kinda eased me out of it.

B: ....

N: Have you and Jaine made out?

Reina: Yeah.

C, K, B, & N: Eww! That's disgusting!

Reina: What's wrong with making out eith you're girlfriend?

K: A lot if you're a girl!

Reina: *facepalms*

Reina: There's nothing wrong with making out with your girlfriend. You'd do it to if you had one.

K: But I'm  not a girl so it's different.

Reina: Technically I'm not a girl either. I'm genderfluid.

C: That's not a gender. There's just girl and boy.

Reina: *ignores them until she gets off the bus*

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