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                      «{7 Years Ago}»

Mother: "If you make all A's on every single report card you ever get, all the way through high school..."

Mother: "I'll take you anywhere in the world."

Mother: "Anywhere in the whole entire world that you want to go."

Young Reina: "Ok mommy!"

                     «{Present Day}»

Reina: "Here's my report card."

Father: "Ok."

And then, for a momemt that seemed like an eternity, there was silence.

No talking or any noise at all, just silence.


Father: "What happened?"

Father: "Why do you have a B in reading?"

Reina: "I dunno. Probably missing assignments."

Father: "Hmm."

Father: "Oh cool! You have something for $5 off to the fair."

Reina: "Yep."

Father: "We're definataly going to that."

Reina: "Cool."


Reina, feling sad and dissapointed with herself: "I don'tknow why, but this B makes me feel loke I failed something."

Gin: "That's what happens when your held to unrealistic standards."

Reina: "I mean, I know that I didn't fail, and that there's people that usually do way worse than this..."

Reina: "But this, I don't know how to describe this. I guess my first B is taking more of a toll on me than I thought it would."

Kiki: "Wait, THIS IS YOU'RE FIRST B?!?"

Reina: "Yeah, actually. But just counting report cards."

Reina: "I've actually gotten a B on quiz before in 5ᵗʰ, and a D on one spelling test in 2ⁿᵈ grade, and even an F one time on a writing test in kindergarden."

Kiki: "How'd you get the F?"

Reina: "On our spelling tests, we had to write a short story and draw a picture to go along with it. One time, I drew the picture first and then turned it in. I didn't realize that I forgot to write the words until after I got it back at the end of the week."

Kiki: "Wow. Just wow."

Kiki: "But still, you've hardly ever gotten any bad grades. Why's this one so bad, even though it isn't?"

Kinen: "That's because of the emotions tied to it. If nothing, not a lot, or not anything extraordinary is expected of you, then when you're grades show signs of declining, no one is dissapointed with you because you're just living up to their expectations."

Kinen: "On the other hand, if people expect great and extraordinary things from you, then when you start to slip up and do worse than normal, they see it as "you're losing your touch" or "you're sarting to fail," and these things can and will damage someone's self esteem."

Kiki: "So, even though you're not doing bad, since it's worse than what you were doing and what people want you to do, they make it seem like you're failing, which makes you feel like a failure?"

Kinen: "Exactly."

Reina: "Huh. That sounded pretty philosophical Kinen. Maybe you should start taking philosophy classes
or something."

Kinen: "Nah. That'd be to much work."

Katsu: "Anybody want some biscuts? Natsuki just made a fresh batch."

Kinen: "Did she use a cake pan?"

Katsu: "Yep!"

Katsu: "But the middle one is mine!"

Reina: "Not if I get there first!"

Gin: "Oh please. We all know that Savarin will get there first and take the middle biscut for herself."

Gin: "You coming Kinen?"

Kinen: "Oh, yeah! Sorry. I zoned out for a second."

In the kitchen, Savarin did end up gatting there first and taking the middle biscut, but Natsuki made 2 extra pans of biscuts knowing that Reina & Katsu  would both want the middle ones (and that they all tended to eat way too many biscuts). Also, the biscuts were delicious.

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