Guess the sport! Winter Olympics edition. I've been forced to watch the Olympics all weekend, so why not make a chapter that corresponds with that?

All sports mentioned are in this year's Winter Olympics.

---°{Let's Begin!}°---

1. A cross between soccer, lacrosse, and ice skating.

2. Snow version of skateboarding.

3. Dancing! On ice.

4. Ice bowling, with brooms!

5. Snow version of roller skating, with sticks!(most of the time)

6. Tube sledding.

7. Solo tube sledding.

8. Duet dances! On ice.

9. A combination of cross-country skiing and rifle shooting.

10. Sledding on your back while steering with your feet.

11. Roller derby! On ice.

12. Ice racing.

13. A cross between diving and sledding.

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