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Belle is a regular girl trying to make ends meet in a town that just doesn't understand her. Garrett, the town's Golden Boy, is constantly trying to win her affections, but one day he takes it a little bit too far.

[Enter Adam]

Belle meets a handsome stranger with a good heart who helps her get away from Garrett. He offers her a safe place to stay the night and she surprises herself by agreeing. She quickly learns that there is more to this stranger -and the town that she thought she knew so well- than meets the eye.

In this twist of the classic story, Belle must figure out a way to join two worlds that have been ripped apart by hurt, anger, and a curse, all while navigating being in a new relationship and uncovering secrets from her past.


I am so excited to release this book! I have been working on it for some time now, and it's finally ready to be released! I hope that you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

As always, comment, like, share, I would love to hear from all of you. Feel free to message me personally anytime! I really do love having a relationship with my readers! Thank you for reading and I truly hope you enjoy!

with love,


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