Chapter 10

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I Sat down in the middle of a paddock, tears falling, I looked down at my pregnant belly, Taylor lied to me, lied that he loved me, not only that he used me,

I heard my phone ring, it was a text, from Gin,

'Hi Alexandria,

Actually, I used you as a bestfriend, I acted that i cared for you and that stupid baby,

You are a slut, bitch, whatever i could call you,

I knew that Taylor was cheating on you. He told me, he actually got together with that girl after a month of your relationship.

Bye bye


Gin was never my best friend,

It was all an act,

Maybe i should die,

I see Tanner coming, i stand up, I feel blood trickling down my legs, Tanner caught me before I blacked out, at least someone cared for me.


I woke up to see white everywhere

"She is awake" i hear Tanner and Barnie say,

"Yes, I am" i managed to get out.

"You lost your baby, Im terribly sorry, we had a c-section to get him out" a doctor says,

Jordan Waters is dead.

"Doctor could you leave, me and Tanner need to talk to Alex privately so turn off any cameras that would disturb us" Barnie said, The doctor left the room

"I feel depressed, Gin was never a true friend, Taylor started cheating on me after a month of our relationship, maybe i should die" I said

"Oh Alex, you dont deserve to die, maybe you should return to New Zealand for a year with Storm to calm down, they say your father is out of prison, he is being watched by the authorities,"

"Yeah maybe i should" I said,

"I cant believe Gin never was a true friend, i thought she was, but now, because of that, I dont want her as a girlfriend, I want to come with you to New Zealand, you need a friend." Tanner said

I just touched the ground of NZ, Storm and Tanner's horse, Jet, are already here, at my Father's house house, I wanted to try living with my father, I grabbed Kendra, and we got a taxi to my house where i was abused.


This is it,

I knocked on the door, to reveal a lady around my dad's age,

"Im his daughter" i said

"We were expecting you, Im Jessica, your father's girlfriend, come in, your dog is beautiful, she could easily make friends with Tessa, who is also a border collie" the lady said to us

There is the man who abused me, standing in front of me,

"Alex" he whispered, I walked to him and wrapped my arms around him

"This house looks cleaner" I said,

It was true, new paint on the walls, new carpet, new wooden floors, a new kitchen, its like its a new house

"I wanted to clean the house, I truthfully regret doing all this to you, your horses are beautiful. You are having your room, It has a kingsized bed and blue wallpaper, and you must be Tanner, nice to meet you, Im Alex's Father" he said

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