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Chapter 1:

I went down the hill and did the jumps which were on the course, the weather is beautiful up here, i slid down the hill and went to my instructor,

"That was good, go again," he said giving me a pole to grab to pull me up the hill.

Im Kristina, Tina, whatever, im 16 years old, I ski, im bestfriends with the snow, well in 1 month i might be travelling to antartica, to ski.

"Tinz, you should be getting home" my instructor said, well he likes to be called Coach Kaleb. I call him Instructor Kaleb to annoy him,

"Ok, where should i store my stuff? Since i have to move my stuff for the public to come through tomorrow" i asked

"I will show you where, there is going to be another member to this training session, he is only a novice and im sure we both can train him up to your standards" Coach Kaleb said, 'really? Another member?' I thought.

"Ok, can you show me where" i asked, Coach put my ski stuff away in a place where public wont be able to reach it. I said goodbye and i started my walk down MT Ruapehu,


I finally reached home, i snuck in and went straight to bed, but before that my Dad grabbed me by my leg,

"You're late, now you will have to suffer" i gulped, no tears coming out as i used them all up, my Dad got what ever is near and smashes it on my back, i wonced in pain,

"Now go, you will not have any food" he said, i raced up to my room and locked the door and went into bed not caring what happened to my back.


i woke up and i went into my school uniform, and i grabbed my bag and i raced out of the house, i had some money and i went to a restaurant, and i got some toast, i ate it and i raced to school, and when i arrived there, i saw my Bestfriend daisy there with the biggest player in the school, with the popular group. I stopped running. I completely stopped moving from where i was, i was rooted to the spot. I saw Daisy come up to me

"Hi slut, how was your ski lesson? Fun or did you fall down the hill, or did your husky die?" Daisy asked,

"Good, i didnt fall, and Shasta did not die, and what happened to that promise where you said that you wouldnt leave me?" I asked

"That changed when i hooked up with Sam Holdaway," she said and walked away, leaving me in the dust, I walked through the school, i saw a notice on the notice board, i went over to it, it was the Ski team, i read the list

Kristina Anderson, my name is on the list, i jumped in joy, i also noticed that the list were boys and i was the only girl?

Then a group of boys came over,

"The list is up" one of the, said,

"Move pretty girl," the other said,

They looked at the list,

"Isnt that the Skier Kristina Anderson! On the list?" A boy said

"Yes it is," another said.

"Excuse me i have to look at something" i said, they turned their heads to me and they moved out the way, i had another look at the list and saw my name, i jumped up in joy

"That is actually Kristina Anderson!" They shouted.

"Duh" i said. Stupid boys. I walked away from them and into health class. I sat down at a desk at the back and waited for the bell to ring for 1st period. I waited for 15 minutes and the bell has not rung. School starts at 8:30am and its 8:45am, hmm strange. I waited another 15 minutes and the bell rung.

"Finally" i muttered to myself. The teacher walked in and started talking, until i heard the teacher say something

"Class, for one day we are going up to Mt Ruapehu on the Turoa ski field and we are going to ski or snowboard for a day, there may be some experts in this class, but we will be learning as a class, the whole school is going" just so you know there are 100 people in this school and im not sure if the whole school is gonna fit on one ski field

"Sir, are we gonna be split onto two ski fields half the school on one part and the other half on the other ski field.?" A guy asked

"No we are not and we as a school are going to go on Turoa ski field, the closest ski field to us" the teacher said handing out slips, The date is the day i was gonna take a day off to go skiing, i filled out the slip and gave it to the teacher. I wrote a small paragraph of what Im going to do.


I walked up the mountain with Shasta, who is my husky, i finally arrived there at 6:30 in the morning. I grabbed my ski stuff and i put it on

"You are bright and early" Coach Kaleb said.

"Yep i just wanted to warm up before the lot comes" i said

"For 2 hours?" he asked

"Yep" i said

I walked out with my skis and put the skis on the boots and i skied to the area i saw that Kaleb put some obstacles for me

"I put those out for you then you have to take them out for the school to ski, god i dont know if we will supply 125 students hopefully some brought their skis and snowboards," Kaleb said

"Im sure you will, you do have over 90 skis to hire and ski boots as well. And over 50 boards and boots" i reassured him.

"We will be fine, i will get the parkour lift working and you can go up there for the hour" he said, i got my pass and scanned the thingy (new thing they inserted) i sat on a lift and i went up it, the visibility is not that perfect. about 500 metres to a kilometre i say.


I skiied down the hill and i saw the buses arrive and i stopped well my husky followed along as well.

"Shasta follow and heel" i said i went to my bag and grabbed his lead and put it on. I took off my skis and i out them on the rack, i greeted the teachers that came in, most surprised to see me here already

"How come you are here early?" my health teacher asked

"I wanted to warm up," i said

"Kristina get those obstacles and give them to me please" Kaleb said

"Ok" i said, i put my skis on. I saluted my health teacher. I skied down the hills and grabbed each pole and i caught this lift thingy to get back up

I saw people putting their boots on, and Kaleb helping

"Coach, what should i do with these poles" i asked him

"Just put them where they usually go" he said, i went behind the get skis counter and put the poles under the counter, i heard my health teacher yell out for my class to follow him as they were the first ones to arrive here, i followed them and i grabbed my skis and followed them

"Kristina you can do what ever today, the school wont go to the summit so you can go there," i nodded, i saw Kaleb come out!

"Hello 12OPR, i will be your coach for today, im Coach Kaleb and lets get started, i pointed up the mountain while looking at Kaleb he nodded at me and he mouthed Shasta to go with you as well, i called out for Shasta and i once more scanned my thingy and for Shasta and i hopped on the lift once more, we arrived at the top

"Shasta race me" i said

"Ready steady GO" i said and the race was on, i passed the novice section and then the advanced beginners and then back to the bottom where the school is, and I won the race

"Good boy" i said to Shasta

"Coaches i see a good day ahead of us" i spoke into the microphone.

Well if you think i forgotten about the guy joining training with me, he didnt end up coming and its been a week since the guy said he will be at training,

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