Chapter 13

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I have been living here at the ranch for 4 years, lets say, nothing big happened. Ginetta, Tanner, Taylor, my brother, Kaleb, Daisy, Sam, My Dad, his girlfriend, Barnette, Coach Finns are now in the past. Im standing here in a bridesmaid dress for Ella and her fiancé's wedding, the twins and I are really close together. I had a baby but i put it up for adoption as I didnt want it, too much work, it was Harrison's baby, a mistake, the baby is about 2 years old. Anyway, Harrison and I are friends, we tried out being together but it didnt work. So we came back to friends. Storm is getting old and now im training up his colt, Jet, Jet has Storm's jump and attitude, We bred Storm a few times for people so they can have Storm's bloodlines. Jet's dam, has an amazing speed, she is beautiful, she is also a black horse. So Jet is fully black with white socks and a blaze down his nose. He is beautiful. I also died my hair completely black. Its nice.

"We will now pronounce them husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" the minister announced, and Ella and her now husband kissed, well, it wasnt a peck, it was a full makeout, yuk. I clapped for her.


Its been four years since Alex has left us. Tanner has started to be a player and now sleeps with millions of girls. He just gets a girl and does it with her and yeah, I got married to my girlfriend Jess, she is now expecting a baby, Dallas my son has tried his hardest to find Alex, but he failed. Im now sitting in the crowd of people for Dallas' wedding, he is getting married to an amazing girl named, Emma, Dallas has chosen the right girl for him, and Im happy for that.

"You may now kiss the beautiful bride" the minister announced, Emma and Dallas kissed, it was a nice and soft kiss.

A few hours later i was chatting to Dallas

"Any thing from my sister?" He asked

"Nope" I said, and just as I say that my phone rings, I stood up and went out of the reception and into the bathroom and i answered the call

"Hello, who is this?"i asked

"Its Alex" the girl said, oh my god, its Alex.

"Ive been waiting for you to call for 4 years, we thought you were dead" I said calmly.

"I know, I can tell you where i am in New Zealand, Im in the South Island to the west coast side, thats all I can give you, I dont have too much longer as I have to get photos with my friend who just got married today, I will tell you where i am in a few days" Alex explained, South Island? How did she get there?

"Im also at a wedding, Your brother's wedding, I have to go in a minute" I said

"Please dont mention our call to anyone, especially, my brother, Tanner or anyone else who knows me well" She pleaded

"Yes i wont mention it, I need to go, bye" I said and hanged up

I walked out, I sat down at my previous spot

"Who was that?" Dallas asked

"A work colleague." I said

"Oh" he sighed

"Dont you dare frown its your wedding day" I said


"Im in Murchison on a ranch, its real easy to find, its not too far from the town area, named, Kingsway Ranch" Alex said and hung up. Murchison. That where she was all this time. Dallas is coming back today, I looked online to book some flights for us all,

Taupo to Murchison, perfect,

I booked 5 seats going there with a dog, Im not sure when we are coming back, the flight is on Thursday, today is Tuesday. I see a car in the driveway

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