Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

I sat on the snow, feeling tears fall,

The first time i let them since i was started to be abused,

I was blamed for Mother's death, she died tragically,

We were in the car driving over the harbour bridge in Auckland then a truck came swerving in the other direction, mother put her head out the window and cursed the driver until her head was slammed and fell off her body, i fainted because of that, all i could see was blood, we had a funeral, and sent the bloodied car to the car place where they squash the cars till they are scraps of metal, i ended up in hospital for a month after that, they say i was injured by the head and i lost my memory of the past with mother. When i look at albums memorys come back but partials of it do.

I saw Kaleb coming up with someone, i dried my face, rubbed my eyes and tried to look presentable.

"Ah Kristina, i knew you were here, ok this is Sam Cheney, he goes to your school and he is in your year" Kaleb said, Sam, Daisy's boyfriend

"How do you do" Sam said, holding his hand out for me to shake, i shook it, he was expecting me to say something,

I signed saying,

"Kaleb can you tell him that i cant speak and to learn sign language"

"What the hell was that?" Sam asked

"She is signing, that she cant speak and you should learn it because you will be able to cominucate." Kaleb said

"So i speak, and she speaks using sign?" He asked

"Yep" Kaleb said,

This happened when Mother died, i lost my voice for a couple of years, then it came back, but the doctors say i will be able to speak again in a few weeks

"Ok, when do we get started?" Sam asked

"Now, Kristina, ski down to the advanced beginners section, we will meet you there," Kaleb said, i hooked my skis up and i skied down to the wintergarden which is the name of the area for the advanced beginners section, Kaleb and Sam had to go back down to the bottom then come up here, I cant wait for Antartica, which is in like 4 weeks, im gonna be there till the end of August, aka the end of winter, its june now, starting winter, well, there is already snow on this mountain, there was a couple of heavy blizzards a week ago, and that got he snow to 1.5metres deep of snow,

I saw Kaleb and Sam arrive with skis, on their feet, I skied to the Cafè, i sat on the snow preparing snowballs, all together i got 10 snowballs, when Kaleb and Sam went over to me, i grinned my evil grin and i started throwing the ten balls at them, i put my skis on and i skied past them and i went down the mountain, I saw Kaleb racing towards me, i went faster and i quickly skied to the lift that goes to the top of the mountain, and i hopped on, i always used to do this, but i usually go on the lift to where Sam is, but i dont trust that right now, Kaleb went inside thinking i went inside, I saw Kaleb come out with something and went on the other lift also thinking i went on it,

I hopped off the lift and i started to ski down to wintergarden, i saw Kaleb teaching Sam stuff, and i went straight down to the novice and i skied over the jumps, really high, and i Skied to Kaleb and Sam

"That is what i want you to be in four weeks, we are going to Antartica, i got some more information, Kristina, we are gonna have a small group coming with us, they are youtube famous, you will find out when we get there, not many people here in NZ know about them" Kaleb said, a small group of famous youtubers? Wow, puh-lease, i met many famous people before, but they are not well known in New Zealand? Geez.

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