Ch. 9

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We were in a hotel, before Raw. Ric wanted to have breakfast, next to the lobby. I took out my cellphone. Christy picked up.

ME: "Whatcha doin?"
CHRISTY: "I'm in this room, alone, with just my thoughts."
ME: "Wanna come to the lobby for breakfast with me and Naitch?"
CHRISTY: "Sure!"

We hung up. I threw on a shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Ric did the same. Christy came downstairs in tight leather pants, black boots with tall wedge heels, and a short sleeved Slayer shirt that showed a lot of cleavage. I never noticed how big her boobs were. She never shows her body in the ring. We sat down at a booth, after getting food. Me and Ric sat on one side.

ME: "I guess you noticed there's one person missing from this equation."
CHRISTY: "Yeah."
ME: "I wanted to use this time for us to get to know you, a little bit."
CHRISTY: "OK! Well, I guess you already know this, but everything I'm going to say is stuff Dave already knows."

She had a nervous laugh.
CHRISTY: "To start things off, Batista is the only person I've ever dated."
I was surprised. She's so pretty.

ME: "You must've let down a bunch of guys, then."
CHRISTY: "Not really. I was always bullied. It got so bad, I ended up developing an ED. I started not eating much, now I eat a lot."

Christy took a sip of coffee. I grabbed her hand. She took off the bracelet she always wore. She opened the pendant and slid the bracelet to Ric's and my side of the table. Ric was closer, so he looked at it, first. I had a hard time reading his face. He passed it to me. It was a locket with a picture. It was Dave and what looked like... Christy? I can see the love in his eyes. I gave her back the bracelet.

CHRISTY: "When you saw me, for the first time, that was his first in a long time. He didn't even know I was coming, until right before you saw me. I flew myself down there and called him, during the show. It was his first time seeing me, after losing weight. Also, I've never shown that picture to anyone."

I guess that's why her arms looked the way they did. She still had some of the loose skin.

ME: "Dave kept wanting us to meet you."
CHRISTY: "I was very shy about it and kept saying no, when he told me about you guys. Maybe if we met earlier, none of this Evolution stuff would have happened."

We talked for a little while longer. Ric and I both offered to help, if she ever needed anything. She told us about her parents' flower shop and about her and Dave not wanting kids. That shocked me because she seems like she would be a wonderful mother. Ric has kids and one day, I will.

After breakfast, I got a plate for Dave and an extra piece of bacon. I ate the bacon, on the way to his room. I knocked.

BATISTA: "I'm sleeping. Come back, later."

I knocked.
BATISTA: "OK! I'm coming!"

I held the plate in one hand, like a waitress. Batista opened the door, only wearing shorts. He took the plate.

BATISTA: "The sexiest wake up call ever."
He's never seen me dress like this. We went in the room. He sat on the bed, eating his food. When he was done, he kissed me, then ran his fingers down my arm.

BATISTA: "You look hot, babe!"
After he kissed me, I went to my room, to pack my bags and get ready for Raw.

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