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Is that a star?
It's so beautiful as it shines
Reflecting the glint in my eyes
As I watch it from far away,
Lifting my little hands to catch a hold
Of the shining beauty in front of me
And then I grew older

It was no longer a star,
A fascination
It was a hope now,
It was a memory
Of a dear one and their dear tales,
It was a blessing
That would keep me going for a long, long time
And then I grew older

It was still a memory
But I didn't feel the spark anymore
The light it bestowed was simply a distant beauty
Which I could never get a hold of.
A shining star, burning to be bright
with a million other silhouettes of its
Together yet alone in the dark night,
Fighting to be noticed
And then I grew older

My mind like the dark sky above
My heart like the burning star
I no longer wonder, now that I know too much
Dark sky, eating up all the pages of my life,
Memories and knowledge,
Getting darker and darker, like a black hole;
The star has died
And I wonder, for once after a long time
That if I vanish someday,
Would someone look up at the sky,
at another shining friend, and call my name?

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