Part 4

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    I snapped my head towards my right and he was there. Smiling at me. After destroying me. One of my nightmare.

  His smile told that he knows me. He definitely know me. I was just standing there not knowing what do.

  My hands tightly clenched digging my nails in my palms. My eyes stung. No i can't cry now. I can't look pathetic now.

"Hi name is Robert White. I'm the CEO of Samson Tech." A bitter chuckle left my lips. My tears fell and i couldn't control it.

  My heart was in pain. My head spinning. Every dark memory came back. My lips trembled.

  And he was smiling. Enjoying my breakdown. "Oh i see Mr. Bastard." Another chuckle left my lips and everyone watched me as i was some sick psycho.

"I didn't knew you are still alive. When you should be dead."



  Xavier and Emily were confused.

"What are you saying Blair." He said.

"Stay away from this."

"Oh. I see you are not very welcoming Miss Blair."

"What do you want?"

"Nothing. Just a private meeting without many people."

"Ok then." I turned to Xavier and Emily who were confused that what was happening.

"Go out." His employees also went out.

When everyone went out i turned to him. He had the same smirk. I was terrified. My hands shaking.

  But i am not that 15 years old Bella. I am Blair now. Stronger. But that 15 years old Bella inside me was shaking with terror.

"" I said.

"Nothing. I just came here to see my lovely niece. Don't you miss your uncle Roby?"

  His voice was sickening sweet. It made me disgusted.

"I just came here to meet you and maybe to taste that sweet pussy of yours."

  That was it. I walked towards him and slapped him hard.

"YOU SICK BASTERED. HOW DARE YOU." I screamed with everyone punch. I wanted to let it all out.


I was so much worried when she told us to get out. I stood near the door. After 5 minutes I heard her shouting.

I quickly went in and saw her punching him. She was beating him crazily.

  She was crying. And shouting at him. I quickly went to them and held her hands.

"LEAVE ME. I'LL KILL HIM." She tried to get out of my grip but instead of releasing her wrist i hugged her.

  I hugged her tightly. Caressing her hair.

"Shhh. Blair. Baby calm down. I'm here." I wispered sweet things in her ear and felt her tensed body relaxing.

  She gripped my jacket in her hands sobbing. The tough Blair i knew was nowhere. She was like a vulnerable child.

"He...he ki...kill..." She couldn't speak clearly. "Shhh I'm here petal."


"Get them out of here." Xavier told the security and they did the same thing.

"I want to be alone." My voice came out weaker then ever. "No, i am not leaving you alone for now." Xavier stated.

He picked me up in his arms. "Put me down." I wiggled to get out of his arms.

"Shut up or i will kiss you Blair." He said with straight face so i shut up and let him carry me. I don't want him to kiss me in front of everyone.

All the employees standing there looked at us in utter shock.

"Don't you have something else to do?" Xavier asked them and they went away to do their jobs.

  We entered in my office and he put me down on the couch and sat beside me.


"Excuse me! Just because i let you carry me here doesn't mean i will tell you everything."

And suddenly he did something which i was not at all expecting.



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