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**Scenario: Angie, Brad and Missy decided to have a threesome. But Angie decided to spice it up by suggesting they roleplay that Brad and Missy was keeping her captive and taking advantage of her so they agreed to do that.

"Sorry this is all we have. But figured might work easier than a bed." Missy stated after she handcuffed Angie's wrists to the bars of a workout bench.

"It's okay, it works." Angie smiled up at her. "Now time to get into character." She winked.

Missy cleared her head and nods once, "Right."

"Please stop, why are you doing this." Angie begged.

"Because we can, so shut up and enjoy it." Missy slides Angie's shirt up above her head as Brad took Angie's pants and panties off. "My boyfriend and me wanted to spice up our relationship, so I suggest a threesome and of course he agreed. I seen you and thought you'd be the perfect candidate to help us." Missy then let out a sigh, "But of course you wouldn't give neither one of us the time of day."

"That's why I suggested we make you help us since Missy is the one that picked you out in the first place. So that's when we made an plan to take you and tie you up down here in our basement."

Missy grins at Brad then looks back at her, she then starts kissing on Angie's neck.

"No, no stop. I don't want this!" Angie yelled shaking her head.

Brad placed his hand over Angie's mouth, "Too bad! Now shut your mouth, no one's going to hear you anyways!"

Missy started kissing down her body, as Brad was watching her do that to Angie he started rubbing himself through his pants. Missy smiled up at them as she made Angie spread her legs more.

"Not going to make me have all the fun with our pet are you dear?" Missy asks.

"No, I'm just warming up." He winks at Missy as he had stuck his hand into the hem of his pants and kept rubbing his shaft.

"Mm good." She says and starts rubbing her hands on Angie's pussy.

"Sstop! Now! I don't want this!" Angie begged.

"I said shut up!" Brad roared as he stepped closer to Angie's head.

"You can smack me, to make it more real." Angie says to him.

"I don't want to hurt you." Brad stated with furrowed eyebrows.

"I promise you wont, unless you smack hard enough to leave a mark." Angie tells him and he nods.

"I'd be quiet if I were you." Missy jams her fingers into Angie's pussy.

"Oh! Stop! No no!" Angie continues to beg.

Brad lightly smacks Angie "I told you to shut up. I know something that will definitely shut you up." Brad takes off his clothes and straddles Angie's chest, "This will shut you." He grabs her the top of her head and slides his dick into her mouth but slides it back out, "You better not bite me, or you'll regret it." He then slides back into her mouth. "Start sucking." Angie shakes her head and Brad roars, "I said do it!" So Angie starts sucking while whimpering.

"Oh honey, keep whimpering, he likes that." Missy smirks and licks each of Angie's thighs.

Angie couldn't resist as she playfully bit down on Brad's dick lightly, making sure not to hurt him. Brad groaned as he pulled himself out of her mouth.

"What did I just say huh?" Smacks the left cheek of her face, "I said no fucking biting!" He smacks the right cheek, "Now lets try this again." He grabs his shaft and puts it to her lips but she closed her mouth. "Oh is that how we're going to do?" He makes her open her mouth and slides his dick back into her mouth. "And you better suck and not bite this time."

He holds the bars of the bench as he slid in and out of her mouth, while he was doing that Missy started taking turns licking Angie's clit and sliding her tongue into her, seeing Brad fuck Angie's mouth was turning her on more. After a few more minutes of Brad fucking Angie's mouth he slid out of her and ejected his load onto Angie's chest.

"Mmm I'll clean that up." Missy smiles as Brad moves off of Angie, to which Missy moves up and starts licking all over her chest.

Brad took his opportunity and moves down to Angie's legs.

"Now my turn to see what you taste like." With that Brad started licking Angie's pussy, making sure to hit the tip of his tongue on her clit.

"Please let me go, I promise I won't tell a soul about this." Angie continues to beg.

Missy backhands Angie's right cheek, "You've been told to shut up. We're not releasing you, at least not till we are through with you." She let out her best evil laugh.

"Missy, babe, move your butt this way. I want to take turns with you two." Brad states and Missy moves where her hips are straddling Angie's hips.

Angie kept begging and pleading so Missy grabbed the duck tape placed it loosely on Angie's mouth and laid back down where she had been. "There now maybe you'll actually be quiet like you were told."

Brad slid himself into Angie as he rubbed Missy's ass cheeks then started rubbing between her pussy lips. Missy licked her lips and started kissing all over Angie's chest, nipping at her nipples in between kisses. Angie was trying her hardest not to moan so it came out as a whimper. Brad continued to thrust in and out of Angie for a few more minutes than pulled out of her and slid himself into Mary making her moan into Angie's breasts. As he's moving in and out of he reaches down and starts rubbing Angie's pussy.

Pulling out of Missy, he grabs Angie's legs, lifts them up and makes her lay her feet on Missy's back so that she has her legs wrapped around her waist. 

As he slid his dick back into Angie's entrance, he slid a couple of fingers into Missy and thrusted them in and out of her in sync with his hips while also rubbing his thumb on her anus before sliding it in a little causing them all to do a mix of groaning and and moaning at the sensations that was happening between them all.

While Brad was fucking, Angie, Missy smiled seeing pure lust on Angie's face, so she leaned her face closer to hers and began kissing her. Angie wanted to keep in character and pull her face away, but instead she lost control and started kissing her back, loving the feeling of Missy's lips on her own. So as the girl's tongues started fighting against each other, Missy started roughly massaging Angie's breasts. 

"Mm." Brad grinned seeing the two girls make out as he reached his free hand up and ran his fingers through Missy's hair. 

"Oh yeah baby, I knew you'd like that." Brad moaned when he felt Angie's walls tightening up around his dick as he kept pumping his dick into her along with pumping his fingers into Missy so he started jerking his hips harder causing Angie to moan into her mouth.

As Angie hit the peak of her climax, her whole body tensed up and her toes curled as she tried her best not moan out but was failing miserably. Once every muscle in her body relaxed, Brad pulled his dick out of her slowly. 

"Now it's your turn baby girl." 

He then slid his dick into Missy and as he pumped into her, he removed Angie's legs from her waist but laid her feet on his shoulders and reached up and grabbed Missy's shoulder as he took turns kissing on each of Angie's calves. 

Angie smiled, seeing pure lust on Missy's face as Brad pumped his dick in and out of her as deep as he could go. 

"Gahh." Brad groaned out a moan as both him and Missy hit the peak of their climax.

"That was fun." Angie beamed as Missy un-cuffed her and Brad removed her legs from his body.

"Yes it was." Missy agreed.

"I didn't think I'd like to do something like that till we did it." Brad stated and Missy agreed.

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