She arrived

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She jolted up, taking in her surroundings. A metal box of some sort, with flashing lights around the walls. She got up, looking around. Suddenly, the box moved up, faster and faster as it went higher. The girl fell down, and hit her head. She touched the back of her head.
"Ah that hurts," she whispered. And then the reality hit her like a ton of bricks. She had no idea what her name was, how she got here, and remembered nothing of her past.

The box was dark, and the only light was of the flashing red and white lights around the wall. She stood up again, holding a crate to steady her.
"Hello?" She called out to no one in particular.
"Anybody there?" She called again. No response. She slid back down, hoping wherever this box was taking her would hurry up.

After what felt like hours the Box jolted to a stop. And the red light flicked green.

Slowly, the top opened. Light flooded the dark place.
"Ugh, now anybody there?" She said again.
"Hello?" A boys voice called back. A head appeared over the side.
"Who are you?" She asked. The boy scoffed.
"If anything, I should be asking you that. But I'm polite. Names Nick, welcome to the Glade."

Nick jumped down, and held out his hand to the new girl. He took in her appearance. Long dirty blonde hair, grey eyes, medium height. She was pretty good looking.
"You gonna quit staring?" The girl asked. Nick shook his head.
"Sorry, I just haven't seen a person in a month. Well, that I can remember."
"You've been here a month? And you have no memory either?" She asked, eager to learn more.
"Yeah, so I can't answer many of your questions. All I know is that once a week that box comes up with supplies, and this week it came up with you."

"The glade? What are you talking about?" She said, as Nick helped her out of the box. She took in her surroundings, looking at the 4 large walls with openings in each. Vines hung on them.
"That traps us in here, doors open everyday. Haven't had the guts to venture outside yet," Nick told her, putting his hands on his hips. She shook her head.
"Crazy," she muttered. Nick turned to face her, and his face shifted into a sort of sadness. Soon, it disappeared and was replaced by a look of determination.
"Hey, want a snack?" He asked, holding his hand out. The girl was hesitant at first, but took it.
"Sure," and with that Nick led her to a large building for a "snack"

As the two walked to the kitchen, the girl looked more at her surroundings. There was a lot of woods, a few buildings, and of course the walls trapped them in.
"So the walls- doors whatever. Close and open everyday?" She asked. Nick looked at her, and then straight ahead again.
"Yup, don't have a clue what's out there. But, there's a small window, and when I look into it I see these mechanical creatures. I call em' grievers. As for what else is out there, all I see is walls," Nick explained. She nodded, even though Nick wasn't looking to her.

"So you can't remember your name?" Nick said, breaking the small silence that had come over them.
"Nope," she replied.
"Well if more people come up here and can't remember their name, we're gonna need a nickname for them," Nick said.
"Yeah. Hm, what about green bean? Or greenie for short?" The girl suggested. Nick looked at her with a curious look. She rolled her eyes.
"I don't know. But we're surrounded by green," she explained.
"I like it. Thanks greenie," Nick said, chuckling.
"Sure," the "greenie" replied, also chuckling. Finally, they reached their destination.

As Nick and the greenie entered the kitchen, the smell of fresh fruit and rotten fruit combined flooded their noses.
"So, whatcha got to eat?" Greenie asked, sitting on the counter. The kitchen area was a large room with picnic tables around, and a large room to the left side that's blocked off by a long strip of counters and pillars.
"Oh nothing much, mostly fruit and meat I don't know how to prepare," Nick replied, sitting next to her. He turned around and grabbed some sort of berries. Nick held them out.
"Berries, I think blueberries," he explained. She took one, looking at it before shoving it in her mouth. The flavor of the blueberries erupted in the girls mouth, surprising her. She took the rest and ate them, well more like inhaled them. Nick laughed, and grabbed more. She put a hand to her chest, exaggerated how offended she was.
"What! I can't remember anything, much less the last time I ate," she defended her self with. This caused Nick to laugh even harder. She slapped his leg, lost her balance, and fell backwards off the counter.

As the girl fell backwards and hit her head, something bounced into it.
"Nick! Nick! I remember my name! It's Jane!" Jane exclaimed. Nick turned around quickly.
"That's awsome, Jane!" He said, holding out a hand to Jane.
"Thanks Nicky Poo!" She said back, laughing. Nick raised an eyebrow.
"Nicky poo?" He asked.
"What? I'm going to have nicknames for all of the future greenies. I declare it!" She announced, looking proud of herself.

But as soon as she did that, the two burst out laughing, holding their chests.
"Why's .... That... so... funny?" Nick said between the laughing.
"I...don't...know!" Jane replied. This made them laugh even harder.

Eventually, they calmed down. It had brown dark quickly, and they were looking up at the stars.
"I kinda like it here," Jane said, putting her hands behind her head.
"Good," Nick replied. Eventually, they both fell asleep.

(Gabbi wrote this lol)

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