Another one?

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                           (One month later lol)

Jane and Nick were inseparable the past month. Every day they had the same routine- wake up, , get dressed, go outside, do some farming, clean up, do random things, hang out, shower, hand out some more, and then bed. And of course, they had breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

And today was no different. It was a supply day, so their schedule would be different. However, it's been 2 months since Nick arrived and 1 month since Jane arrived. They wanted to see if another person would come.

So when the alarm rang out, they rushed to the box to see what would come up.

"Do you think it's going to be a boy or girl?" Jane asked.
"We don't even know if there's going to be another person!" Nick exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation. Jane looked up at him, and rolled her eyes.
"Well if there is, what do you think it will be?"
"Your talking about it like it's an object, not a human being. But, I think it will be a boy," Nick decided, crossing his arms, a smug look on his face.
"Girl- wait damn it," Nick shook his head, to which Jane died of laughter.
"Haha!" She laughed, pointing at him. Nick waved his hand at her, and went back to watching the box.

Finally, it opened. Light flooded the dark place.
"Hello?" Someone shouted, their voice wavering.
"Yo what's good," Jane shouted back. Nick hit her on the head- softly - and made a "tut tut tut" noise.
"Hey! Can we come down?" Nick yelled.
"Y-yeah," the voice replied.
"See Jane, this is how your supposed to handle a greenie," Nick said, motioning to the box. Jane merely scoffed.

The two jumped down, and saw a boy who looked pretty tall, dark skin, a buzz cut, and very muscular. Nick held out a hand.
"Hey greenie, I'm Nick. That dimwit over there is Jane. This is the Glade. You remember your name?"
"No, I can't remember anything. What is this place? Why can't I remember anything? Are you guys the only ones here? What even is here? Why are you calling me greenie?" The boy questions. Jane stepped in front of the boy.
" woah woah woah there, slow down. We are the only ones here, we don't know why we can't remember anything, we're calling you greenie since we figured you can't remember your name, and you want to see what's here? Step out of the box and see," Jane explained, and took the boys hand. He was surprised, but didn't question it.

Jane pulled him out of the box, and the boy looked around in shock.
"We think it's a maze behind those walls, but we wouldn't know. Don't have the guts to adventure out there more. But, there are these creatures we see out there so don't go behind the walls. We're kinda trapped here, no memory of anything of our past life," Nick warned. The boy slowly nodded, to show he was sort of understanding.
"Hey- we know it's a lot to take in. How about we grab you something to eat? Then you can pick out your room, help us with the stuff from the crates, all that jazz. Sound good?" Jane asked. The boy was hesitant. But nodded.
"Yeah, sounds good," the boy declared with a smile, Jane returned it with a wink.


The three spent the rest of the day doing random things, he bot had picked the room next to Nick's, all together getting the crates was easy, so it only took about 3 hours all together. Now, the three were sitting around a fire just handing out. They each had a glass of "Coca-cola" which came up in the box today.
"We should do this every time a new greenie comes up," Jane suggested, glancing at the boys then back at the fire.
"Yeah, like a way to welcome them," Nick agreed.
"Greenie? What do you think?" Jane asked, turning her head to look at the boy. He was staring into space, his expression blank.
"Earth to greenie," Nick laughed, waving a hand in front of his face. The boy mumbled something.
"What?" Jane questioned.
"Alby, I remember my name. It's Alby!" "Alby" exclaimed, clearly excited by his discovery. Jane stood up, and pulled Alby up with her. She raised her glass in the air.
"To Alby!" She said.
"To Alby!" Nick repeated, raising his glass as well.

The three talked, laughed, and acted like normal teenagers, until they became tired and feel asleep, right next to each other in the grass.


Jane awoke to a face right in front of hers.

"AH!" She yelled, scooting back. The person laughed.
"Nick you slint-head!" She bellowed so loud that even the creatures in the maze were sure to hear.
"Your so mad you called me a made up word!" He laughed, rolling over on the ground in a fit of laughter.
"Just tell me why you woke me up," Jane grumbled.
"Just- just come on- I have - something- something to show - you," Nick said in between heavy breaths.

Jane was confused, but followed him to one of the walls. Nick handed Jane a knife.
"What's this for?" She questioned, turning the knife over in her hand.
"Carve your name on the wall. You know, so that we have an official way to welcome people to the Glade after the bonfire. And, it's pretty sick," Nick explained. Jane shrugged, but did it.

"Wonderful, I'm going to get Alby," Nick said as he started to walk off.
"Can I go back to sleep?" Jane asked. Nick turned around and rolled his eyes.
"If you must," he allowed, and went back to walking.

So Jane did just that, went into her room this time, under her covers, and feel into the deep abyss of sleep once again.

Stuck Together (Newt x Oc) ((Enemy's to lovers))Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum