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It felt as if Jane had just closed her eyes and fell asleep, when the sun shined, awaking her from her deep slumber. She rolled onto her stomach, trying to hide from the light.
That was, until, a bucket of cold water was poured over her head, getting her up instantly.
"Dude!" She exclaimed, jumping up and holding her hands up. Nick merely laughed.
"Time to get up," was all he said, then pointed to a building across the Glade.
"That's what I'm calling the 'homestead'. There's some rooms there, and you can take one of them," he said, still grinning.
"You decided to tell me that after I slept on the grass outside? There's probably bugs in my hair," Jane sassed, looking at her soaking-wet hair, examining it.
"Calm down, your going to be fine, your pretty little hair isn't ruined. Pretty sure there's a building in the back with some showers, shower there. I don't think there's any hot water, though," Nick replied, looking off at the building.
"Have you showered since you got here?" She spoke with a disgusted tone. Nick shrugged.
"Sometimes when I clean the dishes I get water on me," he said. Jane chuckled a bit, but shook her head.
"We can wait to work, now come on. Your showering, and then we're gonna go through all the stuff from the box. We didn't do much productive things yesterday," Jane declared, grabbing Nicks arm and pulling him with her.
"Your pretty demanding, you know?" Nick told her.
"You got half of that sentence right. I'm pretty," she retorted. Nick snickered.
"You've never even seen yourself!" He joked.
"Well I'm sure I am. Otherwise, you wouldn't have stared when you first saw me," Nick couldn't see Janes face, but he imagined her smirking. He knew she was right, so her didn't say anything.
"Exactly," she said. Eventually, after Jane pulling Nick around, they reached the "homestead".

They went inside, looking around. The room was slightly small, and had a sort of lobby to it in the front. A small table with two chairs, both very dusty, sat on the left side of the wall. On the right side, there were two doors. Inside of the one on the right, was a dresser, a twin sized bed, and a small desk. On the left was similar, but had a wardrobe- type thing instead of a dresser.

If you went straight ahead, there was stairs leading up. To the left of the stairs was a door, but they chose to go upstairs first.

Upstairs was a similar deal, but it had a hallway leading to the left (on that side there was two doors on opposite sides of each other,) and leading to the right (three doors opposite side of each other). But Jane and Nick didn't have any reason to check those out yet.

So instead, they walked back downstairs. Jane opened the door, lo and behold there was 7 shower stalls, 3 to the left and 4 to the right. On the left side of the room, right against the wall, there was a sink with 4 faucets, and a chair.
"I'm gonna shower," Nick said.
"No kidding, you stink," Jane responded with, waving her hand in front of her nose. Nick laughed.
"So do you!" He countered. Jane looked back at the door.
"One sec, I just want to check something," she said, but before Nick could respond, she was out the door.

She headed upstairs, and to the left of the hallway. She wanted to check out those room.

She checked the one that if you were to walk up the stairs, it was on the side that you would see.

Inside was a pretty nice room. It had a full- sized bed, a dresser, a nice desk, but the difference from the other rooms from downstairs was that this room had a door at the end of it.

Jane was obviously intrigued, and opened said door.

Inside was Jane's dream, well, that she had that she remembered. It was a little bathroom, complete with a shower, toilet, sink, the whole or-deal.

She jumped excitedly, and ran back down the stairs.
"NICK?" She called out, over the sound of running water.
"Yeah?" He called back.
"Can I pick my room now?" She shouted.
"Of course! And you don't have to tell so loud- I'm in the shower I'm not deaf," he responded. Jane squealed, and ran back.

She ran upstairs to the room, flopping down on the cream-colored covers of her new bed.
"Maybe this isn't so bad after all," she thought out loud, "maybe."


After Jane had finished thinking about her new life on her bed, she showered in her shower instead of the shower stalls downstairs.

Just like Nick had said, no hot water. And it wasn't until Jane was in the shower that she realized, "crap, I have no soap, shampoo, or conditioner. And how the hell do I remember those yet now my family?"

So she didn't take much of a shower, just really rinsed off her body. Nick had been right shin, no bugs in her hair. But she did find little pieces of grass.

After her shower, she got out and dried herself off with her clothes, but put them back on after. She had no choice- she didn't bring anything to really shower with. But it didn't matter, the sun would dry her clothes after anyways.

When she came back downstairs, she found Nick, sitting in the chair at the small table, eyes closed. So, like any good friend would do, she pulled the chair out from under him.
"Dude!" He exclaimed, eyes wide open. Jane erupted in a fit of laughter.
"You should have seen the look on your face!" She said, still laughing. Nick sighed, shook his head slightly, and looked at Jane.
"Payback I guess," he said. Jane nodded her head, and forced herself to calm down.
"I didn't hear you come back down after you picked your room, but I did hear heavy footsteps leading upstairs," Nick questioned, raising an eyebrow. Jane didn't say anything, but grinned and motioned for him to go upstairs with her.

She led him to her room, and pointed at the door.
"Wow. Get your own shower and everything. You know maybe some of the other rooms have it but I don't mind using a 'community shower'. When other people come - if other people come, I'll let them have those rooms. For now, I'll use one of the ones downstairs," he said, turning around to Jane with a sweet smile, to which Jane returned.
"Now come on, let's go look through the supplies," Jane said, running out of the room and outside.

Stuck Together (Newt x Oc) ((Enemy's to lovers))Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin