Ok Mr. Sass King

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•next month at greenie day•
The month had flew bye, and the three Gladers were inseparable. They did really everything together, cool, clean, hang out, but you really couldn't do anything that fun by yourself.

The trio started there normal work after eating breakfast. When a blaring alarm started bouncing off the maze walls.

Jane was working in the gardens when the alarm went off. She dropped the hoe and darted toward where the box will soon be.
She sat down as the others came and sat next to her.
And more waiting.
What felt like minutes could've been hours.
The book lid split in half as the sun light started pouring into the box.
A broad Asian with jet black hair lurched inside. No expression on his face, not fear, not confusion, not anger. His face was unreadable.

The two boys open the real crate lids.

"Who are you?" Was the first thing that spilled out of the Asians mouth. "Why can't I remember anything?" He quickly followed. "Why am I here?"He face may have been unreadable but his voice was laced with fear.

"Woah woah woah one at a time." Jane eaised towards the boy. "I'll help you out and show you around." Jane held a hand out the boy.
"I don't need your help." He stated and hoisted himself out of the box, shaking the bit of dirt off of his pants.

"Ok mr.Sass king you got a name?" Alby questioned walking up to the two.

"I-uh I-umm m-Minho." Minho managed to stutter out. "Nice name I'm Jane." Jane lent out other hand excepting him to shake it. He just started at her in disgust. "Come on its just a bit of dirt get used to it." He reluctantly shook her hand.
"Anyone gonna tell my where and why I'm here?" He asked looking around.

"Welcome to the glade." Alby said slapping minhos shoulder.
"What the hell is 'the glade'" Minho said in a mocking voice.
"God he's gonna be a handful." Jane mumbled.
"This is the glade dumbass, and it's where we live. Don't go outside the walls, because out there is a maze and at night, these creatures called grievers come out that look deadly as hell, and I'm not sure you want to die," she explained. Minho scoffed.
"I'll take my chances," and started running towards the maze doors. The three others started to chase him, with Jane in the lead.

He only got about half way when Jane pounced on him from behind, holding his right arm twisted behind him while sitting in his back. He squired under Janes grip.
"Get off me!" Minho screamed.
"No!" Jane screamed back. She looked at Alby and Nick, who had just caught up.
"Go dig a large hole so that next person who tries to do this can go in the hole until they calm down. And make sure there's a top to it, so that we can like lock it and stuff," she instructed. The boys exchanged a glance before nodding and running off.

Jane picked Minho up by the collar of his shirt and looked him in the eye.
"Listen, you've been here 3 minutes, I've been here 3 months. I think I know what I'm talking about when I say your going to die out there. Now unless you'd like me to throw you in there before the doors close, I suggest you stop acting all tough and actually listen for a bit. Clear?" she demanded, her tone sharp. Minho rolled his eyes, but nodded.
"Alright. Now until the pit over there is done, your coming with me to the kitchens. I'm starving," and with that they went to the kitchens to eat some food.

The pit was finished in under 3 hours (Jane had to harass the boys until they got it done), and as soon as the top was secured so that nobody could get out, Minho was thrown in.
"I won't run into the maze!" he yelled once everyone had walked away.
"Sure you won't!" Jane yelled back. Minho sighed, and slumped to the dirty floor.

The other three were busy taking the crates and things out of the pit.
"This is heavy, ALBY COME HELP!" Jane yelled as she struggled to pick up a crate labeled "food".  Alby sighed, but went to help the girl with the crate. With some effort, they lifted it out of the box and to the kitchens.

The rest of the box went by pretty fast, all the crates were out and out away in 4 hours.
"Should we let him out?" Nick asked, looking between Alby and Jane.
"You think he's going to run off again?" asked Alby.
"Let's wait until the doors close, which isn't long. Then we can have the bonfire and he can carve his name to the wall," Jane suggested. The others nodded, and went their separate ways.

Jane had just showered as the door closed. The wind blew, and was freezing, so Jane had to put on a sweatshirt.
"I'll let him out!" she called to her friends, who nodded and went to get things for the bonfire.
"Finally came to let me out Huh?" Minho asked, his voice laced with annoyance.
"Yeah, doors are closed so you aren't running out," Jane told him. Minho sighed, but got up, dusted himself off, and went outside the pit. He looked around, as if it was his first time seeing all this.
"Amazing right? It's actually not, but come in! We're having a bonfire for you!" Jane told him as she grabbed his hand, leading him to the bonfire. The two other boys were already there, waiting tk light it up.
"Ready Jane?" Asked Nick. She nodded.
"Ready as I'll ever be." Jane took a torch, and on the count of 3 they 2 boys and 1 girl threw the torches into a pile of wood, which lit up with flames. Minho couldn't contain his surprise.
"Woah," he said, watching as the flames danced in the air.
"Woah is right. Want a drink?" asked Alby, leading the boy away.

Nick sat next to Jane on a log.
"Think they're gonna be friends?" He asked her. Jane considered it for a moment.
"Yeah, I mean look, they're already talking and laughing," they turned their heads to look at Alby and Minho, who were laughing loudly.
"Good. That boy would be trouble without Alby," Nick sighed, and shook his head.
"Maybe, but I mean the poor guys confused, had no memories, and is trapped in a giant box. If I didn't use humor the first time I got here, I would have acted like Minho too," Jane argued.
"I guess your right," Nick agreed. Jane yawned a huge yawn, and got up.
"I'm going to bed. Tell the greenie to pick a room," she didn't wait for a response before heading to her room and crashing into the bed as she fell into a deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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