Bubbles and Blood

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We later met with a government official who asked us to walk around the town and see if we could find anyone who matched the description of the murders. So we all split up. There was some sort of festival going on. Hopefully the festival would make finding the girls easier.

The guys searched and searched but came to no avail. I decided to sit on a bench, to relax and focus my eyes. They hurt from the bright festival lights, my ears rang from the noise and music. The quiet air coming off the waters of the sea seemed to calm my anxiety.

After a few minutes, I heard what sounded like soft crying and bubbling waters. I went to go check what it was. I snuck around the pier at the beach and saw two girls under the dock, throwing rocks.

One girl was sitting, the other was standing. I decided to eavesdrop.

“So, Lucy, I imagine myself throwing rocks, and they’ll come out?” She girl standing sighed.

“Yes, but don’t actually throw rocks. Focus Desi!”

The sitting girl put her head between her knees and a rock plopped into the water, without her moving. She hugged her knees tighter and more rocks began to be flung into the midnight sea.


The girl stood, “Lucy, what am I? How did you find me?”

The taller of the two girls, hugged the smaller one. “You were in a very bad place, with bad people and I saved you. But you hurt yourself badly, and I suppose it erased your memory. So I brought you to Khota and he’s helped you.”

“Will I ever be able to remember?”

“I don’t know. You’re honestly sort of like Nyu now, a shell of the person you used to be.” The shorter one looked away and whispered something. “Don’t worry, I won’t let them hurt you.” She grabbed the little one’s face. “Desi, now we have to be heard!” There seemed to be a bit of a quiet fight between them, but the little one ended up somehow flying across the gravel and sand. The taller one hadn’t even touched her!

The little one stood up, “I’m not hurting anyone!” She shouted as the taller one was slammed against the dock.

I decided to intervene. I stepped close and I noticed it was the two girls from before, Desi and Nyu. “Desi, what’s going on?” Nyu fell to the floor and glared at me. Desi turned, her eyes wide and wild. She suddenly tackled me.

“Look out!”

The pillar I had been standing under collapsed. My body was electric with energy from fear and from this small girl. I sat up and pushed her away. “What happened to the other girl?” I looked at Desi, she looked away.

“She’s alive, she’s okay.” Suddenly her eyes snapped up and she pushed me again, just as something burst through the broken wood Desi had taken the hit and was on the sand, her stomach bleeding, slowly. Nyu appeared in front of me, bloodlust in her eyes.

“Lucy, no!” Desi jumped in front of me. “Stop! Not him! Anyone but him!” Lucy shook her head.

“You don’t know him! He’s a bad person, Desi! Move and let me waste him!”

Desi shook her head. “I’ll never let you hurt him!” She lunged forward and Lucy gasped and stepped back.

“He’s hurt you before! Memories or not, he’s hurt you! Why do you protect him!?”

Desi shook her head and turned to me. “You wouldn’t hurt me, would you?”I shook my head, trying to forget Kami’s command. “You see!?” Lucy shook her head. Desi, suddenly, flew into my chest and screamed. “Stop! It hurts!” I grabbed her and held her, trying to calm her.

“It’s okay, Desi, its okay. I’m here.” She screamed and tried to push me away.

“Run! Go!” I tried to move her but her body went stiff as she began to choke. I heard running and shouting in the distance.

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