The Walk Home

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I sighed and looked at my arguing friends. “Guys, go to the lookout. I’ll walk them home.” A brown haired girl, Yuka, chimed in.

“We don’t need your protection. Khota is capable of protecting us.”

“Yes, but Desi is hurt and i could easily carry her home with you.” Khota was silent but nodded.

“Fine, we’ll let you come along. Hopefully Nyu can come home on her own.” My friends flew away .

I leaned over to Desi. She leaned away from my touch. “I won’t hurt you, i promise.” Her green eyes gleamed and bore a hole into my soul. It hurt.

“Fine…” She whispered.

I picked her up, bridal style, and noticed how light she was. Definately much lighter than Joy. I looked down at the blood on her shirt. “You got hurt pretty bad, huh?” She nodded and looked away.

Her friends began to walk and I followed silently behind them. I felt Desi rest her head on my chest and I saw her eyes begin to get heavy and drop.

“You can sleep, if you want.” She shook her head and her hair moved a little bit, exposing little white horns. My gut dropped and hurled itself against the walls of my body. Please, not her!

We reached a gate and after we walked through it, a huge house stood, awaiting our entrance. We walked into the house. There was a big grandfather clock which stood broken against a wall and there was a small music box sitting on a step. I looked around and noticed just how clean the place was. Mayu lead me to a small room that had very little in it. “This is Desi’s room.” I nodded and placed the small, sleeping girl on the bed in the corner of the room.


“Yes mister?” The young girl asked.

I looked over to the sleeping but injured girl who resembled so much of Joy. “How old is Desi?”

Mayu paused and looked around and over to Desi. “I don’t know exactly.Maybe nineteen or twenty, somewhere in that area? Twenty-two maybe. She hasn’t really told us and because she can’t remember anything about herself, I honestly don’t think she even knows.” She glanced at my quickly. “But I don’t think Khota will let her date. He’s very protective of her, especially because she can’t remember anything.”

I blushed bright red. “Oh no, i didn’t mean it like that! I was just only wondering.” She smiled and excused herself to go get a medical kit.

I had been left alone with this young girl who so closely resembled my lost love. I looked at her and moved a stray piece of hair out of her face. “I just want to say thank you for protecting me. I promise to protect you too, to you know, return the favor. I’m sure we’ll meet again.”

I stood and left as May walked in with Nana. Khota stood at the door. “I’ll walk you out.” I nodded and followed him. We got to the courtyard and he stopped. “You know that Desi and Nyu would never hurt anyone with Nana, right?” I nodded and met his eyes, he let me leave. I flew to the lookout.

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