Everyone's Here

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“Lucy, no!” A girl with short pink hair shouted as 3 dark haired people followed. They were the people who I had briefly met before. The long haired girl backed away and growled and ran off. I felt Desi slump in my arms as the crowd of her friends ran to us.

The short pink haired girl ran to us first, the others following. “Where did Lucy go?” I shook my head.

“Where’s Nyu?” Desi slowly sat up.

“Khota, don’t go after her. She’s not okay, she’s not Nyu!” The boy stopped in his tracks and glared at me.

“Why are you here?”

I sighed. “I saw that Desi was in trouble.”

We argued about what happened and eventually my friends all met up with us.Piccolo walked around the short pink haired girl and me my eyes.


I sighed, again. “I know…”

The girls began to talk to one another, arguing about Desi’s injuries and the act that Nyu had run off.

“So that wasn’t Nyu?” Khota asked. Desi and Nana shook their heads.

“Nyu was created because Lucy got hurt but Lucy is the main personality. And she’s mad.” “And dangerous. We should avoid her for a while.”

I blinked and looked over at Desi, who was sitting on the sand, next to me.

“So that girl wasn’t the one I met earlier?”

She shook her head. “No. Body wise- yes.Mentally wise- no.” I nodded and met eyes with my friends.

“We can go find her for you.” Piccolo chimed in.  “If she’s such a danger, we can contain her.” Desi and Nana met eyes. Mayu was currently trying to apply pressure to Desi’s wound.

Khota stepped to us. “No, you’re going to leave and leave her alone. We can take care of Nyu.” Yamcha and him got into an argument and I observed Desi in the meantime.

She looked so frail and timid but she had somehow fought off Lucy. Vectors maybe? Inquiry got the best of me. “How did you fight her?” I asked. Her gorgeous green eyes met mine and she moved a piece of red hair out of her eyes.

“Does it matter?” I nodded my head. “Well then...I protected you with my vectors.” My eyes went wide.

Please no...not you! “Vectors…?” I whispered.

She nodded and pushed Mayu away. She hugged her knee to her chest. She sighed. “I suppose you’re going to turn me in or kill me now.”

I felt nervous. “I could never hurt you.” Her face went red. She hugged her knees tighter.


A chill went down my spine. Joy used to do that all the time when she was upset. It was like seeing a spitting image of her. My heart raced and ached all at the same time.

“Joy.” I whispered to myself and looked away, feeling nostalgic.

Mistaken (Dragon Ball Z X Elfen Lied)Where stories live. Discover now