What Happened That Day...

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I woke up breathless and panting. My body felt scorched, like it did that day Joy was kidnapped. I sighed and tried to shake away the memory of the fire and the fight.

Joy and I had been cooking, Gohan was at Chi-Chi’s new place. Joy was outside, setting up  picnic table and we had gotten into a fight. She had gone through my phone, looking for something, and stumbled upon my regretfully flirty messages with Chi-Chi. It had caused a huge fight and a loss of trust and respect. She was currently ignoring me and cursing and crying under her breath. I was stuck inside, cooking. She was setting up the table.

Suddenly I heard her scream. I turned to run outside but was met with a blazing fire inside my living room, separating me from her. The house or her? Her!

I went out the kitchen door and looked around at the fire that was connected from the table where Joy had been setting up to the door and into my house. I looked around but couldn’t find her.

“Goku!” She screamed and I bolted towards the sound of her voice, into the forest.

“Joy!” No signs but I could feel her energy disappearing, fast! Then suddenly, it was gone. It shocked me to my core and made me stop in my tracks. Nothing. It was like she didn’t ever exist. Nothing at all, not even an absence of energy! Just nothing!!


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