Act 2 : The Magician

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CONTENT WARNING: Corporal punishment, Self harm (mentions), Breakdowns
You have been warned.

[Three Years]
It had been Three years, Three years since she gave herself her self inflicted stab wound, Three years since she received 20 Lashings.

She had been having a hard time after that, going into seclusion for healing, leaving her mind to wander and run to the worst possibility's.

She had broke pots, smashed Cups, threw tea and food at the wall in fits of rage and grief.

she almost gave her brothers heart attacks but they knew she was suffering, they knew how much she was in love with Lu Min, so much so that she would stab herself just so she could escape.

Healing her body was easy, but healing her heart... it was impossible.

Years went by fast, but for Lan Yang, not fast enough.

[Four Years]
She refused to leave her room after 4 years.

She couldnt handle it anymore, she felt she was slipping, getting closer to insanity.

She became almost a skeleton, soon her brothers had to almost force her to eat before she became bed ridden again, she would throw "tantrum" like melt downs, Screaming and scattering paper, crying and cursing for her love who never came.

[Four years + Three more]
the next three years went by faster then before, Lan Yang's routine became more and more ruthless.

Waking up at 3am to rip up the paintings she had made the day before, Saying "they aren't real enough, its not her." and scattering her art on the ground and crying till she fell asleep on the floor.

waking up with dried tears on her face at around 12pm just as someone delivered her food to which she ate fast, too fast.

She didn't return any dish that she was given and people stopped coming to get them knowing it was either she threw it in her room or at them.

She had mental breakdowns, Melt downs and panic attacks that seemed to get worse each time.

[7 years into this.]
Lan Qiren couldn't handle this.

His brother's wife had died causing him to go into permanent Seclusion leaving his kids, A Baby girl and two young boys.

At the moment Lan qiren was taking care of his nephews and baby niece while he had to also watch out for his 26 year old sister who was slipping further down the 'rabbit hole'.

[10 years into this.]
Xichen and Wangji grew up fast as well as Suyin.
they would visit their aunt a lot, she looked weak and in constant pain, they felt sorry for her but were kind and made sure to always be cheerful around her.

She appreciated it a lot, having at least a bit of happiness made her feel like the madness was dissipating somewhat.

[12 Years into this.]
Xichen, Wangji & Suyin had already started studying cultivation.

Bai would wander around the Lan grounds almost like a ghost, she did often scare a few visiting disciples from other sects which would make her stomach fill up with the feeling of laughter.

her tired eyes and constantly tear stained face made it hard for her to laugh.

It reminded her too much of Lu Min.

[16 years into this.]
Lan Zhan had gotten very close with a Yunmeng jiang sect boy, Lan Yang had noticed this.

When she looked at them her eyes went blurred, It reminded her of how happy her and Lu Min were during their childhood.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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