Mr.Dense Rodriguez

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(Louis's POV)

'You're such a jerk!', Connor yelled.

'Stop it Connor', I groaned in annoyance.

'No! You let her go!', I sighed.

'Try to understand. She is just my friend. I like Cara!', I said.

'No you don't! Cara is a bitch. Rose is a soft girl', ok she is nice, I agree with it.

'Did you even wonder why she is offline for almost 3 days?', Chloe asked.

'Wait what? She is offline for almost 3 days?', I asked.

'Yes. No one knows where she is!', She said.

'Ask her sister?', I said.

'She won't tell as well. Whenever we ask her she becomes silent', Connor said. Now I am getting worried.

'You both are not lying right?', I asked.

'No! Why would we? We are worried for Rose', He said.

'She must be in her room watching a movie?', I said.

'Are you insane? Who watches movie's for 3 days? And she is not in her dorm. They are out', Chloe said.

'What? Then call her', I said.

'You are not understanding. What if Rose did something stupid?', She asked.

'No she won't. She has a brain', I said.

'Maybe she does but she is broken hearted now. Do you think she will be in her right mind?', He asked.

'Connor please. I don't want to talk about it now', I said.

'But Louis, you have to. You're her first love!', Chloe said.

First love?

'What are you saying?',

'You're so dense. She got rejected by you! The heir of RD corporation. She must think that she is worthless and what if she makes a mistake?', She said.

'I-uh', I don't know what to say. She has a point tho. But me and Rose?

'You should be known as "Mr.Dense Rodriguez". The name suits you more', She said. I glared at her.

'Waah. What a surprise Connor and Chloe. Nice to see you', We all turned and sure enough it was Sarah.

'Sarah? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your dorm right now?', I asked.

'Chill big bro. I'm not here to stay duh', She said.

'Then why are you here?', I asked.

'To talk with you', She said.

'I hope you can handle him. So we are going now. Bye Louis and Sarah', Connor said.

'Don't worry I can. Bye bye', Sarah said.

After Connor and Chloe left, Sarah took a sit beside me.

'What is it Sarah? I don't have the whole day', I said.

'Me neither. And it is about Rose', She said.

'What about her?', I asked.

'Why did you reject her? Don't tell me it's because of Cara. She broke up with you when you caught her', She said.

'So what? That doesn't mean I don't feel anything towards Cara', I said.

'You still like her?', I nodded.

'You're crazy. No guy in his sane mind will go after Cara', She said.

'Stop it', I said.

'Rose is Anna Adkins....right?', She asked. I looked at her with wide eyes.

'How?', I asked.

'I saw your reaction at the party. And how you used to visit her', She said.


'I know where she is. And don't worry she is fine. She is just trying to forget you', She said.

'You know? Where is she?', I asked.

'At her parents house. Jenna told me', She said.

'And how'll she forget me there?', I asked.

'Are you dumb? It's her childhood house. Her guy friends are still there. She can date any one of them and slowly she will forget you', She said. I clenched my fist.

The thought of Anna with another guy makes me want to break everything!

' are jealous', I looked at her.

'No I'm not', I said.

'Are you sure? I saw it bro', She said. I sighed.

'The thought alone makes you angry. And what will you do if she has a boyfriend when she comes back? What if she ignores you?',

'I don't know. I'm so confused', I said.

'Ok fine. Would you like it if she smiles and laughs at some other guy? Would you like it if she holds hand with another guy? Would you like it if she falls for him?',

'No!', I replied before I could stop myself.

'Don't you miss her?', She asked.

'Yes I do', I said.
Hope you liked it. Please let me know how was it. Cya in the next chapter :)

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