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"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I stood there speechless.

Who do you think did that?

'Louis?', I mumbled. I heard footsteps coming closer to me.

I looked behind me.

'How did you know it was me?', He asked.

'It is so one here without you would do that', I whispered.

'Well I'm really bad when it comes to romance', He said.

'What is it?', I whispered again.

I'm too shocked to even talk properly.

'Uhm.....I like you Anna', I looked at him with wide eyes.


'Yeah I do. I know that I hurted you by rejecting you and by not talking to you. I'm sorry for that. I really am. But when I saw you with Lance, all I wanted to do was just punch the shit out of him for holding hands with you and keep you to myself. That's when I realized, I like you. I can't live without you. I can't bear seeing you with someone else', He said.

And I stood there speechless with wide eyes.

'Louis w-what?', I stammered out.

'I want you to give me a chance. And trust me I'll try my best to be the perfect guy for you', He said.

'I don't know, Louis. It never happened to me before. I don't know what to do or say', I said looking at him.

'Give me a chance, Anna. Trust me you won't regret it', He said with so much hope in his eyes.

Should I give him a chance? I never had a boyfriend.

I want to give him a chance......but he is the same guy who hurted me a lot.

'What about your love for Cara?', I asked.

'It died the very moment I saw you. And I never loved was just an attraction', He said.

'Oh...', I don't know what to say.

I think I should take a chance....

'Anna....', I looked at him.

'Ok.....I'll give you a chance', I said and his face went bright like a Christmas tree.

'So is that a yes?', He asked. I nodded.

'Yes!!!! I would love to be your girlfriend', I smiled at him.

'Yay!!!!!!! Finally!!!!!!', I looked behind me to see the others with a big smile on their face.

'You all knew?', I asked.

'Of course! I'm so happy for you', Jenna said.

'Thanks Jenna', I smiled at her.

'Listen Mr.Rodriguez, if you hurt my sister, I'll literally kill you', She said more like threatened.

Louis put an arm around my waist.

'Nope I won't and I can assure you that', Awww he is being sweet.

'Good', She said and we laughed.

'I'm going to prepare your beds, and you are coming to help me', Chloe said and left with them.

'Anna.......', I looked at him.

'Can I kiss you?', I blushed a deep shade of red and nodded shyly.

'Don't be shy, sweetheart', He said and I blushed even more.

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