Do I?

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(Louis's POV)

'So you are telling me that you don't feel anything towards Anna?', Sarah asked.

I nodded.

'Then.....why did you get angry when I mentioned her being with another guy?', She asked.

I really don't have any answer for this question.

'Cause she is my friend and I care for her?', I said but it came out like a question.

'Friend? She is just a friend to you?', She exclaimed.

'Yes', I said.

'Then shouldn't you let her date the perfect guy? As a friend you should find her a suitable guy. Who'll make her happy. Wait what about that friend of yours? What was his name again..........Carlos? Carson? I forgot!', She said.

'He is not going to date her!', I snapped.

'Why not? He is cute, kind, cheerful, perfect for Anna!', She said.

'Stop it Sarah! Anna is not dating him!', I snapped again.

'Why not?', She asked.

'Cause....He- uh I don't know! But she is not dating him!', I said.

'What if she agrees?', She asked.

'No she won't', I said.

She won't right?

'You don't know what's in her mind. She may like him', She said.

'No she won't. She is not meeting him', I said.

I won't let her.

'Why not? Is it because you like her?', She smirked.

'I don't like her', I said.

Or do I?

She sighed.

'Stop being stubborn. You have feelings for her.....I can see it. But you are confused. Listen to your heart Louis', She said.

'That's the only thing I can't do', I said.

'You can. Try to listen to it', I sighed.

'Don't put your ear on your heart tho', She joked. I glared at her.

'Not funny, Sarah', I said.

'Ok ok jokes apart',

'Do you really think that I like her?', I asked.

'Yep. I'm 110% sure that you have feelings for her!', She said.

'Now what should I do? She probably hates me!', I said.

'No she doesn't. Go for her. But don't be late', She said. I sighed again.

I'm coming for you Anna. Hope you will forgive me.

(Anna's POV)

'What are you doing?', I asked.

'Making milkshake duh', Jenna said.

'I know I know. But why are you putting salt on it without sugar?', I asked.

'What are you saying-', Then her eyes went wide.

'Oh shit!', She muttered.

'Salty shake', I laughed.

'Don't laugh at me Anna Adkins!', I laughed even more. She took the glass and threw all the salty shake on me.

I gasped.

'JENNA!!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO!? IT WAS MY FAVOURITE DRESS!!!', I yelled. Fortunately my parents weren't at home. They went out.

'You deserve it', She laughed again.

'You're so dead today', With that I started to chase her.

'Catch me if you can', She yelled. We were running when we stopped after seeing the person infront of us.

What is he doing here?!!
Someone unexpected is here😏. Any guesses who is it? Lmao. Hope you liked the chapter. Let me know how was it☺. Cya in the next chapter :)

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