Shocking Confession

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'I'm here, Anna', I looked behind and gasped.

What is he doing here?'s the Hazel eyed guy.

'Huh?', I asked, clueless.

He smiled at me.

'Jenna, you didn't tell her?', He asked.

'Nope. I wanted her to see you on her own', She said.

What's going on?

Dumbo! Use your brain!

'L-Louis?', I stammered.

'Hmm the very one', He said.

I can't believe that he used to meet me almost everyday.

'You- why didn't you tell me?', I asked.

I'm mad now!

'Sorry Anna. But I thought Jenna told you', He said.

'Jenna', I glared at her.

'Anna darling, calm down', Lance laughed.

'And you are?', Louis asked.

'Oh hi Mr. Rodriguez. I'm Anna's childhood friend Lance and Connor's high school best friend. Nice to meet you', He said extending his hand.

'Hi and call me Louis. And Connor never told me about you', He said.

'You never asked', Connor said.

'Well hello. I'm hungry', Ruby said.

'You're always hungry', Louis said.

'Not fair!', She said.

'I'm going to ask her out. I'm in love', Lance said.

'Shut up', I said.

'Ok come. I made the lunch today', Amethyst said.

'Ariana, you didn't have to. We should have ordered something', Connor said.

'Not a problem, And Clara helped me too', She said.

'Clara? I told you to not go near fire', Connor said.

'She just cut the vegetables. I know that she burned her hand and that's why you don't want her to go near fire', Amethyst or should I say Ariana said.

'Good', He said.

'So Ariana? Where is your boyfriend?', Jenna asked.

'We broke up', She said. I gasped.

'You're gasping a lot today, Anna', Louis whispered.

'It's because of all the surprises', I said.

'Ok now can we eat?', Ruby said.

'It was so delicious', I said.

'Thanks Anna', Ariana said.

'Now let's play truth or dare', Ruby oops Chloe said. We are not allowed to call each other by our code names.

'We are in', Clara said.

'Me first, Jenna truth or dare?', Chloe asked.

'Truth', She said.

'How much do you love your boyfriend?', Chloe asked making my poor sister blush.

'I love him sooooooooooo much', Jenna said.

'Enough to marry him?', Evil chloe asked. Lmao.

This time Jenna and Andrew both were blushing like crazy.

'Y-yes', She said.

'That's great!!', Everyone in the room exclaimed except Jenna who was red.

'Ahem!! Clara truth or dare?', Jenna asked.


'I dare you to eat 3 Brocolli today', Jenna said smirking.

'Eww!!', We laughed at her.

'Lance truth or dare?',

'Truth', He said.

'Do you like anyone? If yes then who?', Shit....

'Yes I do and it's.......Connor's sister Chloe', He said.

That's why I hate him sometime!

'YOU WHAT!?', Everyone in the room exclaimed except Me who was facepalming.

He shrugged.

'Louis truth or dare?',


'Got any crush?', He asked.

I'm going to kill him.

'Yes', We gasped again.

'Anna truth or dare?', He asked.

'Truth', I said.

'I heard that you like to it true?', He asked.

'Uhm yea', I said.

'Great!! You're drawing then', Ariana exclaimed.

We played for a while and then got ready for something I don't have any idea.

'Let's go', Clara said.

'Where is Louis?', I asked.

'He will be here soon', She said. Are they hiding something from me?

'Go Anna', Clara said and then disappeared.


I started to walk towards the garden.

'Wow it's so beautiful', I said to myself. The garden was decorated with lights. And there was rose petals on the pathway.

I then looked forward and gasped again.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"
Hope you liked it. Please let me know how was it. Ahem.....I'm really bad at writing confession scenes. So forgive me if they don't make any sense😅. Cya in the next chapter☺

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