First meet

58 11 7

'Anna, Anna wake up!!', I groaned and turned to another side.

'Fucking wake up you, koala!!', I threw a pillow at her.

'I'm not Koala, I am cute but I don't sleep 22 hours in a day', I said, opening my eyes.

'You sleep 5 hours, so you're.................newborn koala', She said with a grin.

'Jenna, quite joking and just tell me why you woke me up that early in the morning', I said.

'Well there is a guy..............I like, He never pays attention to me but today when I went for my morning walk, I met him and he-', She started.

'Let me guess, he asked you out?', I asked cutting her off.

'Yesssssssss!!!!', She exclaimed while jumping up and down.

'Wow it is a great news but did you wake me up for this reason?', I said.

'Yesss, I am going on a date today evening', She said.


'Ok? Anna you're not excited?', She asked me in disbelief.

'Why would I be excited? It's not like he asked me out', I said.

'And it's not like any guy would ever ask me out', I whispered in a low voice. But she heard it.

'Come on! Don't be sad, I know a guy will come in your life, he will love you unconditionally and protect you from all those bullies-', She started.

'You're getting cheesy now', I cut her off.

She giggled.

'Let's go to shopping', She said.

'Uh........but today a new member is joining the online group chat and I am excited to see who it is', I said.

'You can see that later', She said.

'You have too many dresses and if they are not good for today's date, you can go to shopping alone', I said.

'Anna Adkins, get yourself a life, what happiness do you get in that online life?', Jenna asked.

'Too much happiness that I can't even explain, in that life no one calls me ugly cause they don't get to see me', I said.

'You have to fight against them-',

'I don't want to',

'Whatever but you're going with me and it's final', She said.


'When is that member joining?', She asked.

'At 11', I said.

'It's 9, we'll be back before 11 anyway', She said.


'Ok ok', I said and entered the Bathroom. I looked at my reflection.

Am I really that ugly?


'I'm ready', I announced. She looked at me then shook her head.

'What're you wearing?', She asked.

'What? Jeans and T-shirt', I said.

'This is why no guy shows interest on you', She said. I rolled my eyes.

'I don't have time to change, let's go or I'm staying', I said. She sighed and said "Let's go".

'Hurry up!!! 30 minutes left!', I exclaimed.

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