hang out

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The characters name is who he is hanging out with, not the pov. That's 3rd as always.


Megaman is honestly not sure what she expects of him, but he smiles at her. She nods back, before turning to her piano, determination in her eyes as she opens the book filled with music. The blue navi listens carefully as Maylu starts to play, looking for errors or incorrectly read notes, as she had asked. Roll is sleeping and the poor blue navi was unable to sleep in, unlike his Op, so he had agreed to help the poor girl out.

"Ah, that was F flat, not F sharp. And try angling your wrist on stretches, to reach the farther out notes. It's easier to shift your hand back into place after that."

"Thank you. Let's see... shift here, move there...ok."

This time around Megaman just listens, not listening for errors or adjustments that could be made, just feeling the flow of the song, the emotion put into it, and the smooth way she plays, no errors this time around. It's obviously not a happy song, could be called a sad song, but those always held more meaning to Megaman, since the emotion that had to be put into it is a bit harder since sad can be expressed in many ways.

"I think this is the best piece you could've chosen to play."

Maylu doesn't respond, but the navi knows she is listening to him.

"It takes time, and dedication, but also a lot of emotion and depth to play, something few others can say they have. This piece in particular shows that. You play very well indeed."

"Thank you. So much."

Something tells the navi she is thanking him for far more than the compliment, but he says nothing as he finishes the piece and smoothly flows right into the next one, both calm and relaxed. 

Dex _______

Dex smiles down at Megaman, a softer and smaller smile than the ones he usually does, because he knows the blue navi won't tell anyone. Dex loves animals. However, his personality - a shield really - scares them away and he refuses to lower it in the presence of anyone but Megaman and Gutsman. The blue navi nurtures that trust, giving a smile back to the one that is only directed at two people.

The blue navi had been talking to both Gutsman and Dex about opening up(With Gutsman this means encouraging to help his Op speak more freely and with Dex that means speaking as if he is talking about animals)and progress is being made. He dropped the shield a bit in the presence of his friends yesterday, though they don't know that. However, Megaman and - based entirely on his face - Gutsman saw it. 

"Keep going, if you get the trust of the mom cat first, she'll let you around the kittens. Remember, be gentle, they're smaller than you. Keep track of them all, so you don't hurt one by accident."

"Alright. Here, smell my hand...good cat...look at those kittens, you did so very good. You did indeed."

The momma cat meows and curls around Dex's hand, before settling at his feet. The Kittens take that as permission and start to wobble over, meowing and purring with no reservation, creating something Megaman likes to call "Dex Goo". The navi grins and then laughs as one of the kittens manages to climb onto Dex's shirt and then gets stuck. The boy panics, trying to get it free without hurting it, even as he sends a glare at the navi - there's no real heat, because the kittens are too cute and he has a hard time being angry with friends - and finally gets the kitten free.

It's silent for a few moments, with Dex petting a kitten and Megaman trying to get the kittens to not mess with the PEt, before the boy speaks.

"Thank you, for doing this with me. I might bring Yai or Tori with me next time. I think they'd like this. What do you think?"

Megaman Nt warriors one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now