In the Cyber World

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3rd pov (humans are the same size as the navi)

Megaman is not quite sure how this happened. Not necessarily a good thing but - as a quick glance around shows him - not really a bad one either. It most certainly is a problem however, and one that needs to be solved quickly. Only Ops can accurately download a chip since others who don't battle can not quite sync with the navi the way the Ops can. With the Ops somehow in the Cyber World with them, there's a very small hope that anyone outside can supply the navi's with chips, let alone the humans who might not even be able to take chips.

With a sigh, Megaman dials Dr.Hikari's number, given to him in case of emergencies. However the man is not picking up, and Mr.Famous is always calling them, so Megaman isn't even sure Lan has saved the number let alone kept it. The blue shifts and taps his foot near silently, trying to be patient, but the Ops lives are in danger and he's still not answering. He watches the screen, glancing behind him in order to check on the others and make sure nothing is happening. Finally, just as it's about to hang up, the call goes through and the Dr appears on screen, Megaman almost collapsing in relief.


"So, we kinda have a problem."

"...How big of a problem?"

He debates how to tell him, trying to break it easily, when a yelp comes from behind him, causing him to spin on his heel, just in time to catch Lan as he trips, falling into Megaman's chest. With a sigh of pure exasperation - of course this would happen to them, just their luck - the blue navi turns back to the screen.

"This kind of problem."

"...Lan? Are the rest of the Ops there is it just them?"

Megaman winces, even as he widens the screen, letting the man see past him to where all of the others are,  Navi keeping a close eye on Op. Dr.Hikari's groan catches the attention of the others and the blue navi watches as the humans need a bit of help moving, the gravity no where near as strong as they're used to.

"Well, this will probably take a while to fix. Mr.Famous! Just don't split up and stay together. As one large group. The more navis to protect the Ops, the better chance they get out. Lan, Chaud, Maylu, Dex, Yai, and Tori. You lot need to listen to your navis, and try not to let anything hit you. We don't know if you're human or somehow got transferred to data, so a hit could easily kill you there. The navis need to stick with you because they know how this world works and what to watch out for."

"Dr.Hikari, what's the problem?"

"We need to figure out what's happened to the Ops, quickly."

"Alright. Stay in Sci labs, ok? The further out you go the more likely it is that you'll be attacked. The navis don't have anyone to supply them chips, and you Ops might not have the ability to have chips given to you. Don't wander to far, see you."

They hang up and the group settles, knowing that they are in for a very long day. It's not even 10 minutes before Lan gets bored and decides to mess around, jumping, twisting and trying to pull off moves he knows he can't under normal gravity. Megaman watches, keeping a careful eye on both him and the surroundings. Nothing should be able to get in, but things have and so while it is safe, it's not completely safe.

"Megaman! You should teach me some moves!"

The blue navi turns and gives his Op a deadpan look.

"I'm not teaching you to fight."

"No, like flips and stuff."

The blue navi sighs in exhaustion, already so done, but looks over his Op. He's got the face and look he gets when he's determined, that stubborn one that even the navi has a hard time getting through to him for and so the navi doesn't even try, just starts trying to figure out which move his Op could learn easily, without hurting either himself or others. The group sit off to the side, deciding this will be entertaining and wanting to watch. Megaman is still debating, Lan jumping and stuff, when the Op lands oddly and launches himself at the navi, cutting him off mid thought.

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