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3rd pov

It was not often that someone managed to get a drop on Lan and Megaman, let alone a good enough one that they manage to injure Megaman badly. This was all the fault of the enemy, but since the battle was still in progress, and Lan was more of an "attack until they're gone, with a few good defense moves" type, Megaman is not healed. Lan is seriously regretting not getting some kind of healing or rejuvenating chip. Megaman had been attacked during the night, more early morning, and had originally been fighting alone. He had even taken the battle to a different area, and muted the PET, in order to make sure Lan stayed asleep.

Lan was not happy, and very surprised, when he woke up and went to greet his partner, only to find him in a fight for his life. He had tracked Megaman down to somewhere in the park, after passing all his friends without a second glance. They'd been surprised and confused, deciding to follow him since he really only got this focused when worried for Megaman or when preparing for a battle. Imagine their surprise when they come across Lan lecturing - and helping, he cuts himself off in order to insert chips - an exhausted and injured Megaman. They would've sent their navis to help, but the enemy had put up some kind of shield, that had forced a limit of space on Megaman and didn't allow the other navis through.

Megaman groans as he's tossed into the shield yet again, but having long since learned, he jumps off the shield, dodging the sword headed for his head. With a grunt, he lands crouched some feet away, panting and dripping data. He's got several bruises, and his right arm isn't aligned correctly, suggesting it might be broken, and that it had been for a while, which means it will most likely have to be re-broken in order to heal right. Megaman spares a glance toward Lan and the other navis, before focusing on the opponent. Her name is something like... Disco? Fashion? Beat. Her name is Beat, and she's a real pain. With a groan, Megaman launches himself forward, as Lan gives him a cyber sword chip. The sword slices through her arm, but it only causes her to lash out, catching Megaman fully in the side with her nine tails.

"Megaman! Dammit, I really need to get some other chips, newer ones, so I'm less predictable and more capable of helping Megs. Let's see, if I use this chip and then this one, maybe we can finally end this?"

Lan sends out a cyclone, before hurling mini boomers and several firetowers and one watertower. They mix to form something similar to a giant elemental cyclone, heading straight for Beat. She tries to dodge, but the winds are too strong and she gets dragged in - good, most of them thought vindictively, since she had dragged Megs to the park ( or essentially dragged him there) - and everything just falls apart. Beat barely manages to logout, before being deleted. Megs sighs and quickly collapses, exhausted and wounded. He knows somethings wrong with the wounds, but he can't deal with that, not after having been working off adrenaline, which had worn off over an hour again. Honestly, he was running on fumes.

Glide and Iceman are the first to reach Megaman, propping him up and freezing his wounds that are dripping data closed for the moment, while Roll collapses to her knees next to them and Gutsman and Protoman watch for any surprise attacks. They wouldn't be surprised if Beat had a teammate who was waiting for the right moment to attack in order to take out anyone of them. The Ops watch, expecting to see all the wounds heal and disappear as they usually do, but after a minute, they share a glance.

"Roll, is something wrong?"

Roll slumps forward, resting her hands on the ground. Tears start to fall silently from her eyes, this was something she'd never seen before and she wasn't sure if even Dr.Hikari and Mr.Famous could fix this. The wounds were... ingrained, or forced, into his data stream, making them a part of him. She couldn't heal a part of him if he wasn't hurt, and the wounds were being considered "disability", rather than "damage","ailment" or anything like that.

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