Emblem importance

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I've always wondered what the emblems on the navi's chests are for, and decided to write this in response to that.

3rd pov

The Net ops had always wondered about and even theorized the importance of the emblems on the chests of their navi's, but never asked. It felt almost too personal, something they had no right to ask until they were able to spill a secret of their own, or were comfortable around each other, or - maybe the best option - they knew everything there was to know about a person, except for the emblem's importance. To be honest this was all Lan's fault. They'd all never even been bothered by the emblems and their importance until he'd brought it up absentmindedly during a group meeting without their navi's.

Since then, none of the them, not even Yai for all she protests otherwise, is able to let it go, and so they start subtly - in some cases - watching their navi's and how they interact with others. They don't notice anything, though Chaud notices a certain important thing : none of the others ever touch the emblem of another. Not even in a miscalculated move or an accidental brush. If they do, they immediately start to apologize, even Protoman, who's not known for apologizing to his own Op at times.

This simply increases their curiosity and when they finally get the answer, none of them are all that happy about the answers, and even more so wished they had not been so curious. It's another fight, one between Gutsman and Megaman, with Protoman there as both referee and to fight the winner. The others are off to the side, watching the battle from a safe distance, though they are also playing chess. Everything is going as it should be, up until an alarm goes off - only once, and no one even has a chance to identify what kind it is before it turns off - and everyone startles. Which, would, ya know be fine, except both Megaman and Gutsman were in the middle of a fight and had both made a move.

It was a simple move Gutsman uses, especially during fights with navi's he knows are stronger and thus able to dodge, adding spikes to his hands as he punches. It's also pretty common to see Megaman with a sword during fights with Gutsman, just to block the spikes coming his way. They'd have both been fine, except the alarm went off right as Megaman was coming from above and Gutsman below. They'd both moved to dodge the attack already, but the alarm had startled both into moving into their opponents attack, and almost before the Ops can register it - since they're still distracted by the alarm - both navi's collapse.

Everything freezes for a second, and then the others surge forward. Iceman and Roll reach almost first, second to Protoman, who's turning both fighters over. Glide gets there last and they all gasp at the damage. Due to Megaman and Gutsman sizes, the emblems are both damaged. Megaman always pulls his blows when battling his friends, so he only chipped Gutsman's emblem, but Gutsman's got big hands and the spikes are on every knuckle. A pretty decent sized hole is in Megaman's emblem, and both appear paralyzed or something. Before the Ops can panic or anything, the navi's start moving, cussing flying through the room, even from Glide and Roll. The humans watch in awe as Megaman and Gutsman are both covered by blankets, before the navi's talk to their Ops.

"We need to get to Dr. Hikari. Their emblems are damaged and this could mean deletion if we don't hurry. Run, whatever you have to in order to get there in time, because emblem hits are like continuous internal bleeding for humans. This will be all about speed. HURRY!"

The humans scramble, making sure everything is ready, and then wait for Roll, because she's the one watching over the two navi's. The others are ready, planning to protect their two injured in the case of an attack, or if they start to fall, since the PET's are only so stable. Roll nods and with a simple thought, Protoman and Roll go into Lan's PET with Megaman, while Gutsman, Iceman and Glide head into Dex's. Roll would be going between the two, but of them, Megaman's emblem is the more damaged and thus he requires her more constant watch. Gutsman will survive, since it was only a chip, he'll degrade slower. Megaman has already started to degrade and is already halfway through the first phase.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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