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hey Tom

hello lyric

oh my goodness
it's 4 am you should be
asleep Thomas

lyric you texted me first

well yeah but that, that's
not the point

actually I think it is

well, well, well
what are you doing up tothese
hours of the day?

couldn't sleep

I was out all night
(got out of the house)


but anyways
now I can't fall asleep because
of all the drinks I had


they were giving out free
drinks at one of the bars
great bargin

sure it was

tom you seem a bit tired

um yeah
I guess talking to you helped
me fall asleep

are you calling me boring?

no no
not at all
you're just very... relaxing

I'll take that as a compliment
however I'll also let you sleep
Goodnight Thomas
don't dream about me too much

I'll try
Goodnight Lyric
seen 4:17 am

Tom layed in his bed, phone between his hands staring at the celling. It had clicked in his mind that he had met Lyric, however she didn't know that. Someone that stumbled upon him that became someone he cared for, he had met her and the worst part he felt it in his heart that this woman was something special.

His mind couldn't shake the thought of her. Keeping him up in pure torture of thinking of this beautiful women.

His thoughts began to wonder if he was thinking of her too much? Was he wrong? Had that actually been Lyric? Was he just fooling himself?

Tom was trying his best to talk himself out of this because if it wasn't her the disappointment would crush him.

and besides who says that she'll even go out with you? To her you're just some stranger and if there's anything to fear it's stranger.

Tom sighed and decided to actually try to fall asleep. His head was a whirlwind of thoughts, emotions, and what ifs that was tiring him out.

He decided to push those thoughts to the back of his brain and fall asleep, it had been a tiring day.

hello everyone, I wanted to apologize for my absence. I've been very busy and overwhelmed with finals and new class, I hope you all understand and enjoyed the new chapter!
-Sherlyn 💛

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